Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
General Marshall to Mr. Walter S. Robertson, at Peiping
1075. Hankow Communists is subject. 106883 and 506384 refer. I have decided to bring in senior American members of Team 32 and Team 9 to report on that situation. C–47 No. 439 leaves here for Hankow at 1000 local time Tuesday, 9 July and returns to Nanking same day as soon as passengers can be loaded. I have discussed this with General Chou who also wants senior Communist members of both teams brought in. Government side has not indicated yet, but I will let you know soonest. Please issue necessary instructions for the two senior Americans to be available at field when plane arrives and make it clear that Americans come regardless of possible reluctance on part of Communists or Nationalists.