Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Mr. Walter S. Robertson to General Marshall

3371. Delivered message contained in your 804 to Generalissimo in person. Due to illness of Madam [I] used Shen as interpreter. Paraphrased copy was left with Generalissimo which Madam has read. I am requested to convey to you the following message which is signed Chiang Kai-shek but which I understand was written in collaboration with Madam:

“I have just received your telegram sent through Mister Robertson. I surmise that you have received my message of 28 May sent through Doctor Soong. You may rest assured that in all my decisions I have kept in mind the difficulty of your position and am doing everything in my power to facilitate and assure the success of your work. I shall be returning Nanking tomorrow or Monday when I shall tell you in person the Manchurian situation as I saw it. I am ready to agree to your proposal to send an advance party of the Executive Headquarters to Changchun for preliminary work in the event of my not being able immediately to issue orders to Government troops to terminate advances and so forth.”