Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Madame Chiang Kai-shek to General Marshall

[No. 1]

My Dear General: The Generalissimo wishes me to write you that upon our arrival here yesterday, we learned that the Government troops had already entered Changchun in the morning. This fact, however, does not influence the Generalissimo in his hopes for a speedy cessation of hostilities so that peace and unity may forthwith be restored. He feels that the following should serve as a fair and permanent basis in any understanding with the Communists, and if you concur with him, please proceed as you see fit. I am also writing to Minister Soong,92 and so if there is any message you would like to send us through him or any point you wish to discuss with him, please feel free to do so.

The cessation of hostilities agreement should be implicitly carried out in spirit as well as to the letter. (Agreement of January 10, 1946.)
Demobilization and Reorganization of the Army should proceed according to program. (Agreement of March 23 [February 25?], 1946.)
Resumption of Communication should become a reality. (Agreement of February 25[9], 1946.)
Method of Procedure.
The Communists should not obstruct or impede the Central Government in the taking over the sovereignty of Manchuria as provided in the Sino-Soviet Pact.93
The Communists should not interfere with or obstruct the Central Government’s efforts to repair railroads in all parts of China for the resumption of traffic. Only in this way can the Communists demonstrate their sincerity to live up to their pledged word.
In the carrying out of the three agreements (i. e. cessation of hostilities, reorganization of the army, and resumption of communications) the American officers of the Executive Headquarters or Teams have the determining voice and authority both in the execution and interpretation of views held in divergence by the Government and Communist representatives.

Whether the Communists would agree to the above, and whether the American representative would be willing to guarantee the good faith of the Communists. Should an agreement be reached, the Generalissimo [Page 892] would appreciate a reply within the next few days so that peace may be restored.

Yours sincerely,

Mayling Soong Chiang

P. S. The Generalissimo wishes me to emphasize that resumption of communication within a stated period (time to be determined by Executive Headquarters) is of paramount importance. M. S. C.

  1. T. V. Soong, President of the Chinese Executive Yuan.
  2. Signed at Moscow, August 14, 1945; Department of State, United States Relations With China (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1949), p. 585.