Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Draft Prepared by General Marshall for the Immediate Cessation of Hostilities in Manchuria25

We, General Hsu Yun[g]-Chan[g], authorized representative of the National Government; General Chou En-lai, authorized representative [Page 793] of the Chinese Communist Party; have recommended to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Chairman Mao Tse-tung and have been authorized by them to announce that in furtherance of the agreement reached on 27 March 1946 pertaining to entrance of field teams into Manchuria, the following general principles are applicable as an interim measure until the military and political situation can be adjusted by peaceful negotiations.

Orders will immediately be issued by the National Government and the headquarters of the Communist armies directing their commanders in the field to cease firing twenty-four hours after the signing of this agreement. Further direction will be given that all movements of troops, National and Communist forces will cease, except as specifically provided herein.
The further disposition in Manchuria of all armies, and units of those armies will be fixed in accordance with the reorganization plan agreed to on 25 February 1946. The specific areas of occupation will be determined by the Committee of Three. The movement of the 60th and 93rd armies now enroute to Manchuria will be completed.
The further movement of the National Army troops in Manchuria for the purpose of reestablishing sovereignty and providing for the security of the main railroad lines will be only as specifically authorized by the Committee of Three.
Political matters pertaining to Manchuria will be discussed between representatives of the National Government and representatives of the Communist Party. Until these political matters are settled the present status of the popularly elected local governments will be maintained without obstruction or interference.
  1. Copy handed General Chou En-lai on April 23. Notation on the original by General Marshall: “Submitted by me to the Generalissimo but not accepted. Drafted in view of his estimate of his probable decision as to military withdrawal.”