Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram
Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to General Marshall
418. Gen. Chou En-lai has submitted memorandum to me dtd March 31 strongly protesting move of more than 5 National Armies to Manchuria and making the following allegations:
[Here follows summary of memorandum printed on page 719.]
My reaction to this memorandum was stated verbally to General Chou at conference this morning which follows: I expressed surprise at position General Chou had taken in view of his signature on:
- 1.
- The cease fire order with the second stipulation agreed for the record that cessation of movements in China does not prejudice military movements of forces of National Army in Manchuria for purpose of restoring Chinese sovereignty and,
- 2.
- The basis for military reorganization and integration of the Communist Forces into the National Army, article 5 section 2 of which provides that deployment at end of 12 months shall be 5 National Armies in Northeast.
Further, I expressed surprise at his allegation that the policy of the U.S. Government with reference to China is undergoing or has undergone a change as exemplified by concurrence in movement of additional [Page 722] troops into Manchuria. This constituted a charge which could not be ignored. I stated that I was sure General Marshall would feel keenly the implications contained in General Chou’s memorandum in view of his efforts to help China.
I noted that General Chou has completely avoided the question of the size and manner of entrance of Communist troops into Manchuria.
I expressed my concern that General Chou had felt it necessary to resort to the wording in his last paragraph which might be interpreted as a threat especially in view of the fact that the directive which authorized entry of truce teams specifically prescribes in the footnote thereto that the committee of 3 will discuss problems concerning the military features incident to Manchuria.
General Chou thanked me for my frank expression and agreed that this matter would be the subject of an early meeting of the Committee of Three. I will inform you of this discussion as it progresses.