Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Brigadier General Henry A. Byroade to General Marshall

Arrived Hankow with complete team Sunday noon. General Hsu, General Chou and party arrived shortly after. Schedule Sunday consisted of team presentation of situation followed by two conferences between committee members only. General Chou presented list of grievances this area since original [cease] fire agreement ending with acquisition [allegation?] of present plot on part of National Government for annihilation of local Communists forces. General Hsu countered all charges effectively ending with statement that on his word of honor no such plot existed as now claimed by Communists. A few minor matters developed during the above discussion on which agreement can be reached during future conferences. Question of future activities of this committee presented greatest problem. Chou insisted we travel by road 90 miles north to Communist Headquarters while Hsu emphatically maintained that nothing could be accomplished by such a trip. Compromise consisted of Hsu nominating General Wong of Generalissimo[’s] Field Headquarters to be his representative on field trip. Hsu promises to remain here for final conferences on our return.

General Chou insisted that best deployment for extra team was at Communist Headquarters (which is far removed from any possible area [of] conflict), Hsu indicating that Chou should decide under the circumstances. I requested the reason for this unusual deployment in the face of previous charges of reported trouble at certain areas of contact but received no logical explanation. However in view of the agreement between the other two I agreed also and team followed us north. The team already here will move out to reported trouble spots to the northeast of Hankow vicinity Macheng upon our return.

Regret circumstances prevented my seeing you Sunday night.21 I would like to have explained to you why in my opinion Chou has presented such charges and is emphasizing this situation far beyond its relative importance compared to other critical problems facing you and Exec[utive] Headquarters at present.22 I shall return to render full report.

  1. Notation by Colonel Caughey for General Marshall: “This refers to a message [May 5, not printed] you did not see. Byroade said that if Chou and Hsu were delayed in departing from here he would like to come here Sunday and return Hankow Monday. I sent Byroade a message saying they would be on schedule and suggested he come via here for Peiping.”
  2. General Byroade had said, “Am extremely eager to see you regarding Hankow situation.”