Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Memorandum by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to General Marshall

Reference is made to your letter dated 19 April 1946. According to General Chang Fa-kuei’s report, on 17 April a discussion on this subject was held with Field Team No. 8 together with its Chinese Communist Representative. It was then decided to concentrate the armed Chinese Communist troops of Kuangtung Province in three different localities. The following four suggestions were also advanced for consideration by the Three-Men Committee:

A group of representatives or the Field Team should proceed to and investigate to confirm the location where armed Chinese Communist troops are to be concentrated as recommended by the Chinese Communist in Kuangtung during the conference held on 7 April. Chinese Communist troops may move to concentrate at Ta P’eng Wan after confirmation.
The number of personnel to be moved is to be limited to 3,000.
Ta P’eng Wan is to be designated as location for concentration of the armed Chinese Communist troops.
Time from the commencement of investigation to the date of embarkation must not exceed one month.

Chiang Kai-shek