Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Draft of Directive to the Executive Headquarters and the Eighth Field Team, Prepared by General Chou En-lai

The eighth field team shall immediately establish contact with General Tseng Sheng, Commander, General Wang Tsue-jae, Vice-Commander, and General Lin Ping, Political Commissar of the East River Brigade, and through Generals Lin and Tseng establish contact with General Feng Pai-chu, commander of the Hainan Brigade. It shall further notify the military and civil authorities in Kwangtung to provide transportation facilities for the aforementioned generals and their representatives and staffs.
After establishing contact with the commanders of the aforementioned Communist-led units, the team shall immediately send liaison officers to the locations of the scattered Communist-led units along the East-River and in Hainan Island, to undertake the collection of those units, and their further assemblage at the ports of embarkation in East Kwangtung and Hainan. During and after the assemblage, pending embarkation, the team shall notify the Kwangtung military and civil authorities to give them facility without any restriction in regard to transportation, food purchase, and telegraphic and postal service.
The Tapeng Peninsula on East Kwangtung coast and Tanhsien in Hainan are tentatively assigned as the ports for embarkation. The Executive Headquarters shall arrange with the U. S. Forces as to the number of ships required for the transportation of the over three thousand men, and the date of the ships’ arrival, while the field team shall find out with Generals Feng, Tseng and Lin the exact figure of armed personnel to be transported.
While the units are moving towards and awaiting embarkation at those two ports, the team shall notify the Kwangtung military and civil authorities to adhere strictly to the provisions of the Cease Fire Agreement, and to protect those units for safety. In order to be perfectly sure on this point, the Executive Headquarters or the field team, [Page 620] shall send liaison team to the locations of assemblage to supervise the execution of the order, and to instruct the Nationalist and Communist-led troops to exchange liaison officers with each other so as to avoid any untoward accident.
The field team shall pay full consideration to, and assume the responsibility, in conformity with the demobilization plan, for the disposition of the remnant persons of the units, who are to be demobilized. The team shall notify the Kwangtung military and civil authorities, that the demobilized persons of those units be treated without any prejudice, and protection be granted for their safety.