Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270
Lieutenant General Alvan C. Gillem, Jr., to General Chou En-lai at Yenan
Dear General Chou: I appreciate deeply the kind sentiments you expressed in your 20 March letter to me and very gratified for your expression that you too are eager to have field teams dispatched to Manchuria as soon as possible.
Your absence from Chungking upon my return was a great disappointment, since I had hoped we three would have been able to reach immediate agreement on the terms of instructions for the field teams. However, after I learned that you and General Chang had worked so hard in attempting to solve the matter, I understood the reasons why you must have felt the necessity of going back to Yenan. I sincerely hope that you will soon be able to reach an understanding that will enable us to get on with this most important task.
I am seriously concerned in any further delay and it weighs heavily on me—not only because that concern also weighs heavily on General Marshall who has entrusted me with carrying on his mission, but also because the slightest additional delay could bring about catastrophic conditions in China.
Just yesterday I received word from General Marshall indicating his anxiety concerning the conditions in Manchuria. It is his fear that if we do not soon take active steps to control the situation in Manchuria developments may take place to the great detriment of China.
For these reasons I have asked Colonel Caughey to come to you to stress the urgency of your return to Chungking for the purpose of continuing discussion with the Committee of Three. We must reach agreement which will permit the entry of field teams into Manchuria.
May I take this opportunity to ask you to convey to Chairman Mao Tze-tung my best wishes for his happiness and continued good health.
Sincerely yours,