Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Mr. Walter S. Robertson to General Marshall

182. American field team Number 1 based at Chining, makes report in person at this headquarters that team has secured evidence from Communists at Chining and from Nationalist Headquarters 12th War Zone at Kueisui. From this evidence he is convinced Nationalists pushed offensive operations after 10 January until utmost legal limit 2400 hours on 13th. He thinks Taolin a place questionably in Nationalist hands at critical hour. Taolin is 40 miles north of Chining. He secured statements from both parties claiming Chining at critical hour. Unable to check veracity of these opposed claims, he proposed a compromise and action under Executive Headquarters General Directive No. 2, that Nationalists withdraw Taolin and Communists withdraw Chining, final disposition to be decided later. Communist member would not agree. Nationalist member agreed. Team issued such directive based on majority vote. Team directive issued to National Government commander but Communist representative did not deliver directive to Communist commander. A query was sent to this headquarters with regard to necessary [necessity] for unanimous vote in acting “jointly”, to which a reply was dispatched requiring unanimous action. National Government commander on ground aware of situation indicated willingness to comply if Communists would comply.

Result: There is no compliance [by] either commander. To obtain more details, team was called into Executive Headquarters on 31 January. American reports he has not taken civilian evidence in Chining as same is completely dominated by armed Communists. He reports Communist representative as being prone to advocate Communist justification and unwilling or unable to cooperate or compromise. American representative states he gets a degree of cooperation and cold consideration of facts and evidence presented, from the National member, but only one-sided consideration from Communist.

New Subject: In discussions here Communists take obdurate position [Page 394] against proposal to temporarily clear Chining of troops while Executive Headquarters team conducts investigation among townspeople. National Government side states willingness to vacate Taolin if Communists vacate Chining.

New Subject: Negotiations to get settlement of Chining and Taolin cases being presented may be impossible to get unanimous rule procedure. In Chining, team members can leave compound only after arranging for guard escorts and are accompanied by guards wherever they go. Local Communists state that this is necessary for proper assurance of safety of the team members. Obviously the arrangement is not conducive to free and [im]partial investigation. Communists’ representatives here have now agreed to remove this restriction.
