Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270: Telegram

Mr. Walter S. Robertson to General Marshall

181. Story on Tolun (Chahar Province) follows: Nationalist charged large concentration of Communist troops were being assembled Tolun area preparing for move into Manchuria. As compromise between immediate demand of Nationalists to send Executive Headquarters team to area and opinion of Communists that UWAQV [None] should be sent, since there was no fighting and since there were other more critical areas, an American observer, Colonel Ferguson was dispatched on 28 January 1946 with status of observer only. Ferguson carried Executive Headquarters letter signed by each commissioner, entitling him to carry out his mission. He was dispatched in a plane with Signal team. Upon his arrival at Tolun at 1400 hours 28 January 1946, senior military officer this end (Communist) would not recognize Executive Headquarters authority since it had not come through Communist army military channels. Colonel Ferguson was interned, [and] after receipt of instructions from Communist brigade [Page 393] headquarters located 135 miles west Tolun Ferguson was released and departed for Peiping 1600 hours, 31 January 1946.

He reported only 6 to 700 Communists in area. Air observation of several reconnaissance flights has shown barren country with no signs of troop concentrations or movements. This incident is closed. It is good indication of communication and command organization within Communist army.
