Marshall Mission Files, Lot 54–D270

Minutes of the Conference Between General Chang Chun and Colonel Caughey, in the General’s Office at the National Military Council. January 28, 1946, 3 p.m.

Also present: Captain Soong.

Colonel Caughey presented the current truce summary (Trusum No. 1213) to General Chang and then proceeded to discuss the situation [Page 387] at Chihfeng. Colonel Caughey pointed out that the field team at Chihfeng was experiencing certain difficulties with respect to the Communist commander who was reluctant to assume responsibility and to negotiate, and then pointed out that, on the other hand, the National representative had evidenced an attitude of complete cooperation. Colonel Caughey next referred to the Generalissimo’s order to General Tu Li Ming which, it had been reported, was issued by the Generalissimo and instructed Tu Li Ming to move into Chihfeng rapidly. Colonel Caughey pointed out that if the Executive Headquarters orders for cease movement were not adhered to in spite of the Generalissimo’s order, a situation could be created which would “split China in half”, due to precipitated civil war.

General Chang said that the Generalissimo’s order had been issued prior to the decision of the Executive Headquarters (inferring that it had been superseded). General Chang volunteered the information that he had been debating all morning with the Ministry of War with reference to Chihfeng and that the Ministry of War could not understand why Central Government forces should not move in promptly to Chihfeng in accordance with the terms of the Russian-Chinese agreement. General Chang stated that it would be necessary for him to debate with these same people again this afternoon as soon as this meeting was over. (Although General Chang did not so state, it was apparent that it was his influence and attitude which had prevented thus far the Generalissimo or the Ministry of War from moving Tu Li Ming’s forces into Chihfeng.)

General Chang then brought up the question of the team for Yingkow and stated that the reason the Generalissimo did not desire to send a team to that place was that the presence of an American with the team, would create complications with the Russians. General Chang requested that any further consideration with reference to the Yingkow team be coordinated by the Committee of Three before any action would be taken. Colonel Caughey assured General Chang that this would be done.

J. H[art] C[aughey]
  1. Not printed.