Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Southeast Asian Affairs (Moffat) and the Acting Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs (Wallner)2
In his telegrams Stanton has stressed the deciding factor in the Siamese decision to accept the French settlement proposals was the [Page 1093] position taken by the United States and that in following the advice of this Government, the Siamese are relying on this Government to see that the conciliation machinery is put promptly into effect and operates fairly. He stressed also the extreme concern of the Siamese lest their nationals in the disputed territories may be harshly treated by the French3; and he believed that should there be harsh treatment there might be uprisings in the area and continuing incidents.
For their part the French are fearful that the Siamese may undertake to withdraw very rapidly, giving the Free Cambodians opportunity to organize some resistance before the French can take over. The French are also fearful of Siamese destruction of property in anticipation of the withdrawal.
The best protection of both French and Siamese interests in the territories and the prevention of incidents by hotheads on either side would be through the presence of official neutral observers and of the press. In view of our role in securing Siamese acceptance of the French proposals we believe that such official neutral observers should be American.
The French have indicated a desire to have official neutral observers in the territories until turned over by the Siamese. If you concur, we will urge the French and Siamese to include in the protocol governing the restoration of the territories a provision for the presence of official observers of a neutral power or powers to be stationed both with the Siamese authorities to observe the details of Siamese withdrawal and with the French authorities to observe the details of the French taking over.
It is probable that we may be requested to furnish such official observers, and, if you concur,4 we would like authority—
- (1)
- to agree thereto including, if so desired, to a recitation in the protocol that such observers be American;
- (2)
- to seek an understanding that the press will not be excluded from either area prior to and during the transfer.
- Addressed to the Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Vincent) and the Deputy Director of the Office of European Affairs (Hickerson).↩
- In a conversation with Messrs. Georges-Picot and Lacoste on October 17, officers of the Department stressed “the necessity for moderate and reasonable French administration of the disputed territories so as to avoid the danger of further incidents in the area”. (Memorandum by Mr. Moffat, filed under 892.014/10–1646)↩
- Concurrence by Mr. Vincent and Mr. Hickerson indicated in marginal notations.↩