
Memorandum of Oral Statement by the Department of State to the Siamese Delegation96

In connection with the French proposal communicated today, the French Ambassador has made certain supplementary oral comments.

He stated that if the Siamese Government so desires, the French Government would be willing in connection with the withdrawal of the Siamese complaint to the Security Council, to seek from that body some expression of approval of the procedure agreed upon in order to facilitate its acceptance by the Siamese Government.

He stated also that not only would France withdraw its objection to Siamese membership in the United Nations, France would support such membership.

[Page 1088]

He remarked that although the French Government will insist that the proposed Conciliation Commission may not commence to function until restoration of the territories and establishment of the statics quo ante, the French Government, in order to expedite the work of that Commission, would be agreeable to initiating the organization of such Commission in advance of that time.

He also pointed out that under the terms of the General Act once the conciliation procedure is invoked the Conciliation Commission must be established and its work concluded within specified periods of time and that its operations are automatic and must be carried through to a conclusion.

He gave assurance that there would be no objection to the conclusion of an agreement or the simultaneous conclusion of several agreements embodying the entire program, but that the putting into effect of the several parts of the procedure proposed would have to be in the order indicated.

The Ambassador also called attention to the need for a protocol governing the procedure for the restoration of the territories.

Finally, the Ambassador stated that the French Government would be glad to avail itself of the good offices of this Government in working out the details of an agreement or agreements to put the proposed arrangement into effect.

The Delegation may be assured that the good offices of this Government are similarly available to the Siamese Government if desired.

[After receipt by the Department of the French proposals and their transmittal by the Department to the Siamese Delegation, officers of the Department held numerous discussions with the French and with the Siamese about the nature and wording of the proposed settlement.]

  1. This memorandum was read by Messrs. Georges-Picot and Lacoste on October 4 before it was handed to Prince Wan “to be certain that the statements therein were strictly in accordance with French intention and understanding. They both confirmed that the text was exactly correct.” Copies of the memorandum of October 4 to the Siamese Delegation, supra, were shown to them at the same time. (Memorandum of October 4 by Mr. Moffat, filed under 892.014/10–446)