
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Manila (Steintorf)


Sir: In view of the approaching independence of the Philippine Islands, the Department has been considering the desirability of concluding with the Republic of the Philippines a bilateral air transport agreement similar to the agreements which this Government has negotiated with a number of other countries. There is enclosed a draft agreement45 which you are requested to transmit to Mr. Paul V. McNutt, United States High Commissioner to the Philippines, with the request that he submit it to the appropriate authorities of the Philippine Government. Negotiations with regard to an air transport agreement are being inaugurated at this time in order that such an agreement may be concluded soon after the Philippines have obtained their independence.

The proposed agreement follows in substance the provisions of the standard form of agreement recommended by the Chicago Conference on International Civil Aviation in its Final Act, dated December 7, 1944. A delegation from the Philippine Commonwealth attended the Chicago Conference and signed the Final Act.46 Agreements based upon the recommended form have already been concluded by this Government with a number of governments.

If the Philippine authorities suggest any changes in the draft agreement, such changes should be transmitted to the Department for consideration. The Department would also be interested in having your telegraphic comments concerning the attitude of the Philippine [Page 889] authorities, and the prospects for the early conclusion of this agreement.

Very truly yours,

For the Acting Secretary of State:
William L. Clayton
  1. Not printed.
  2. The Resident Commissioner of the Philippines in a note to the Secretary of State, received March 22, stated that the Philippines had accepted interim and transit agreements with a reservation; see Department of State Bulletin, April 28, 1946, p. 715. For documentation on the Conference at Chicago, November 1–December 7, 1944, see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. ii, pp. 355 ff.