740.00119 Control (Korea)/5–1546

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chinese Ambassador (Koo)

The Acting Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Chinese Ambassador and has the honor to refer to his predecessor’s note of May 15, 1946, and to the Secretary of State’s note to the Chinese Ambassador of May 31, 194647 regarding the establishment of Chinese representation at Seoul, Korea.

The Acting Secretary of State is now able to inform the Chinese Ambassador that the American Embassy at Nanking is being instructed to invite the Chinese Foreign Office to designate a Chinese Consular Official and two assistants to establish a small Consular Office at Seoul to perform limited consular and liaison functions in the area of Korea presently under United States military jurisdiction.48

  1. Neither printed.
  2. The note to the Chinese Government was telegraphed to Seoul in telegram 118. September 5, 1946. Notes also were sent to the British and French Governments, outlining limitations under which consular officers would function.