740.00119 Control (Korea)/8–846: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon)


105. Unless CG, USAFIK, perceives objection following statement will be made by ActSec on August 13,39 ref War Dept C 63773 Aug 4:

“Celebrations by Korean people on August 15 marking the anniversary of their liberation from Japanese domination will strike a responsive chord in the hearts of Americans.

The United States maintains a continuing interest in Korea and desires to see it attain a position of equality with other independent nations of the world. In December 1945 the United States joined the U.S.S.R., China, and the United Kingdom in an agreement providing for the achievement of this objective.

The people of the United States share the Korean people’s disappointment that negotiations for the implementation of the Moscow Agreement have been temporarily suspended. Representatives of the United States stand ready to resume these negotiations at any time on a basis safeguarding the essentials of the new-found Korean liberty.

Meanwhile the United States Military Government is doing all in its power to enable the Korean people to participate in democracy at work by encouraging them to take an active and responsible part in the administration of southern Korea. In contributing in this way to the solution of practical problems of administration, Koreans will acquire experience which should prove useful when their country is again united in independence and self-government.”

  1. In telegram Tfgcg 459, August 12, from Seoul, the Department was informed that the statement would be welcomed, as proposed, for the Korean celebration of August 15. In a memorandum of August 8 to the Under Secretary of State, General Hilldring had submitted a draft statement after stating that it would appear “that General Hodge has given his blessing to an August 15 ‘liberation celebration’ in Korea. FE has suggested that you may wish to make some comments for the press in anticipation of this celebration”. (740.00119 Control (Korea)/8–1246, 8–846)