102.2/7–2646: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon) to the Secretary of State


Tfurc 56 [to Tokyo]. Following is a report of developments since our Tfurc 54 of 3 July.

[Page 720]

Unity talks have progressed to the stage where both Right and Left have formally appointed five delegates each to meet and substantiate unity. Rightist are Dr. Kimm Kiu Sik, Won Sie Hoon,36 An Chai Hong,37 Choi Tong Oh and Kim Boon Chun; Leftist are Lyuh Woon Hyung, Hu Hun, Kim Wong Bong, Paik Nam Un and Lee Kang Kook. Choi is Chairman of pool of mainly Rightist parties known as Emergency National Congress. Won is Vice Chairman of Representative Democratic Council.

  1. Won Sai Hoon was regarded as the actual head of the Democratic Party in south Korea.
  2. An Chai Hong helped to found the Nationalist Party after leaving the People’s Party because of its radicalism.