740.00119 Control (Korea)/3–2946: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon)


45. SWNCC 176/1871 indicates that one function of the Joint Commission is to work out plans for a system of permanent govt and eliminate zonal arrangements, but US members, pending further instructions, were not to discuss this. Since plans for such system of permanent govt must be based on local conditions Dept would welcome info and advice as to type of govt most feasible and desirable. Presumably no clear lines can be laid out until Joint Commission is under way effectively and Korean provisional govt established, although suggestions you may have from time to time combining views of your associates there will be welcomed as a guide to Dept in revising paragraph 4b of SWNCC 176/18. Ref War 96200, Feb 6.

  1. January 28, p. 623.