Records of the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee, Lot 52–M45, SWNCC 176 Series: Telegram

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, at Tokyo57

top secret

War 98881. The following reply to your CA 57792,58 received from the State, War and Navy Departments is furnished for your information and guidance.

“Decision of General Hodge to instruct the American Delegation to press for agreement on freedom of speech, press and travel within Korea of Koreans at the beginning of the forthcoming proceedings of the Joint Commission approved here. Should Soviets not agree initially to such action, rather than forcing an adjournment of the commission, Hodge should

Reserve his position in respect to freedom of speech, press and travel for final decision prior to the time the interim government begins to function,
Press for initial agreement on travel by members of commission and their staff throughout Korea to consult with Korean democratic parties and social organizations, and
Then proceed with consideration of the structure of an interim government.

Ambassador Harriman has recommended here, and the State Department concurs, that nothing would be gained by taking up such matters as the question of freedom of speech, press and travel on a governmental level prior to the discussion of these topics in the commission.

It is suggested that in order not to prejudice the effectiveness of the work of the Joint Commission, and at the same time to accomplish Hodge’s purpose should the Soviet representatives in the commission prove obstructionist and refuse to agree to his demands under (1) or (2) above, you may wish to consider the desirability of requesting your government to make public a statement citing your attempts to encourage freedom of speech, press and travel. In such a public statement, reference would be made to Paragraph 2, Article I of the Charter of the United Nations which reads: ‘To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace’.”

[Joint Chiefs of Staff]
  1. Copy transmitted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on March 1 to the State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee.
  2. February 12, p. 632.