740.00116 PW/1–446

The Indian Agent General (Bajpai) to the Secretary of State


The Agent General for India presents his compliments to the Secretary of State and has the honour to address him on the subject of the nomination of judges to the international military tribunal to be appointed for the trial of major Japanese war criminals. The Government of India desire to urge in the strongest possible terms their claim to nominate at least one Indian judge to serve on the tribunal. Indian nationals, whether prisoners of war or civilians, resident in territories in Southeast Asia and Burma which were invaded by Japanese forces, were the victims of Japanese brutalities. Indian armed forces played a major part in the defeat of Japan in Burma. India can, therefore, legitimately claim participation in the trial of Japanese war criminals on a footing of equality with the other powers who participated in the war against Japan. Besides a Federal Court, India has eight High Courts of Judicature, and a distinguished Bar whose members have had training and experience in Western principles of jurisprudence. Should her claim to nominate a judge to the tribunal be conceded, as she confidently hopes it will be, the appointing authority can rest assured that a person of recognised eminence in law will be nominated to serve on the court.