740.00119 Control (Japan)/7–1846
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Treasury (Snyder)
My Dear Mr. Secretary: The Department of State wishes to advise the Treasury that a policy has been adopted which would permit private individuals and firms to export and to sell to Japanese nationals in Japan news services, publications and films upon the following conditions:
- 1.
- The Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Tokyo must be of the opinion that the proposed activities of the person or firm involved would contribute to achievement of the objectives of the occupation;
- 2.
- The news services, publications and films must be priced in yen and sold for yen;
- 3.
- The yen received in payment shall be used only for expenditures by the person or firm on such Japanese goods and services as are clearly essential to its approved operations in Japan, including the procurement in Japan for its own account of news, publications and films but excluding specifically the acquisition of any interest in business enterprises or in real property except for temporary rental of necessary facilities. Such yen shall in no event be tranferable against foreign exchange to any other person or firm and no assurance shall be given as to the possibility of these yen being converted into foreign exchange. Furthermore, under existing theater regulations, [Page 274] these yen may not be used in payment for food or accommodations which may be furnished by SCAP to the representatives of such persons or firms.
The War Department has advised the State Department that the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers will implement this policy and enforce the conditions set forth above. Accordingly, the Department of State believes that it would be in the national interest for the Treasury Department to grant licenses for such operations to persons and firms approved by the War Department. The Department suggests that the Treasury Department advise each licensee substantially as follows:
[Here follows draft based on paragraphs numbered 1–3.]
Sincerely yours,
Assistant Secretary