740.00119 P.W./2–2846: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Counselor of Embassy in China (Smyth) at Chungking

top secret
us urgent

365. For General Marshall:3 I desire you to communicate to Wang Shih-chieh4 draft treaty on Japanese disarmament set out in [Page 152] my immediately following telegram No. 366.5 Explain this is working draft and that I will be glad to receive any suggestions. Inform him that I am also sending the draft to Bevin6 and Molotov. Request Wang Shih-chieh to treat this matter as top secret. For your information a similar draft treaty on Germany has been sent to Bevin, Molotov, and Bidault.7 Article I of draft is based upon Declaration of June 5, 1945 promulgated by Supreme Commands of Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France and United States, entitled Declaration Regarding Defeat of Germany and Assumption of Supreme Authority by Allied Powers.8 Send your message this subject top secret for me.

  1. General of the Army George C. Marshall, Special Representative of President Truman in China, with personal rank of Ambassador.
  2. Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  3. See telegram 348, February 28, 3 p.m., to Moscow, and footnote 11, below.
  4. Ernest Bevin, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
  5. Georges Bidault, French Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  6. Text in Department of State June 10, 1945, p. 1051.