
The Acting Secretary of State to the French Ambassador (Bonnet)

The Acting Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Ambassador of France and has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Embassy’s Note No. 513, of August, 1946,81 setting forth the views of the French Government on the question of the revision of the Straits Convention. The Department has not failed to take note of the position of the French Government in this matter, and is in full agreement with the latter’s view that the problem is one which should be settled at an international conference of all interested powers.

The Ambassador will recall that the Government of the United States, on November 2, 1945, signified its willingness to participate in such a conference; and that this willingness was reaffirmed in the American note to the Soviet Embassy on August 19, 1946, a copy of which was sent to the Embassy of France.

  1. Not printed.