C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: Records of Decision

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Fourth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, April 29, 1946, 4 p.m.

C.F.M. (46) 4th Meeting, 29 April, 1946.


Mr. Byrnes (Chairman)
Senator Connally
Senator Vandenberg
Mr. Dunn
Mr. B. Cohen
Adm. Hewitt, U.S.N.
Gen. Lincoln
Mr. Matthews
Mr. C. E. Bohlen
U.S.S.R. France
M. V.M. Molotov M. G. Bidault
M. A.Y. Vyshinsky M. Couve de Murville
M. Dekanozov Gen. Catroux
M. F.T. Gousev M. R. Massigli
M. Bogomolov M. H. Alphand
M. B.K. [K.V.?] Novikov M. J. Fouques Duparc
Mr. E. Bevin
Mr. H.M.G. Jebb
Mr. A. Duff-Cooper
Sir Maurice Peterson
Mr. O.C. Harvey

1. Reparation Commission

The U.K. Delegation appointed Sir David Waley to be their representative on the Separation Commission.

2. Commission of Enquiry for the Rectification of the Frontier in the Upper Roia Valley.

It was agreed to amend paragraph 4 of the draft terms of reference of the Commission of Enquiry on the rectification of the Franco-Italian boundary in the Upper Roia Valley to read as follows:

Paragraph 4: “The Commission will not take the initiative in inviting …76

3. Italian Colonies

No decision having been adopted, the study of this question was deferred to a later date. The Soviet Delegation circulated the text [Page 175] of a memorandum (C.F.M.(46)19).77 The U.K. Delegation also announced that they would circulate a Memorandum in the course of that evening.

4. Dodecanese

An exchange of views took place in regard to the future of the Dodecanese. It was decided to defer the discussion of this subject.

5. Agenda of the Conference

There was a further exchange of views on the question of fixing the Agenda of the Conference. It was agreed to enter on the Agenda the Peace Treaties with Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland, and the question of Germany, which was raised by the French Delegation. Mr. Bevin observed that the discussion of the latter would be of a preliminary character.

An exchange of views took place as to whether the Austrian question should be placed on the Agenda. The discussion of this question was deferred.

The U.S. Delegation announced the tabling of a draft treaty on the disarmament and demilitarisation of Germany and asked for this paper to be placed on the Agenda.

The Soviet Delegation suggested that before discussing the American Delegation’s draft the Control Council in Germany be directed to verify in all the zones of occupation the execution of prior decisions of the Allied Powers relating to the disarmament of Germany.

After an exchange of views, these questions were deferred.

6. Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Council was fixed for Tuesday 20th April at 3 p.m.

  1. The agreed Terms of Reference for the Commission to Investigate Rectification of the Franco-Italian Boundary in the Upper Roya Valley were circulated in the Council of Foreign Ministers as C.F.M.(46) 15, April 29, 1946, infra.
  2. The text of C.F.M.(46) 19 is quoted in full in the United States Delegation Record of the Fourth Meeting, supra