C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decisions

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Forty-Second Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, July 12, 1946, 5 p.m.

C.F.M.(46) 42nd Meeting, July 12, 1946.


Mr. Bevin (Chairman)
Mr. Jebb
Mr. Harvey
Mr. Duff Cooper
France U.S.S.R.
M. Bidault M. Molotov
M. Couve de Murville M. Vyshinsky
General Catroux M. Dekanozov
M. Alphand M. Gousev
Mr. Byrnes
Mr. Connally
Mr. Vandenberg
Mr. Dunn
Mr. Bohlen

I. Report by the Deputies

The Council heard this report.

II. Committee on Trieste

The Council instructed the Trieste Committee to begin its work.

III. Disposal of the Italian Fleet

1. Claims by Greece and Yugoslavia (C.F.M.(46)197)67

The Council agreed to allot the “Savoia” to Greece and to give Yugoslavia 5,000 tons of naval tonnage, including 3,000 tons of war vessels.

2. Allocation of surplus units

It was agreed that the Committee of Naval Experts would report on this subject to the Council at its next meeting.

[Page 938]

IV. Scope of Application of Certain Articles

The Council adopted the text of C.F.M.(D) (46)12268 subject to the words “… shall apply to the countries which were signatories of or adherents to the Declaration of the United Nations of January 1, 1942 …” being replaced by the words “… shall apply to the Allied and Associated Powers including France and to those United Nations which have severed diplomatic relations with (the country concerned)”.

V. Roumanian Property on United Nations Territory

The decision taken at the Council’s 29th Meeting on 28th June (Record, Item IV, para. 1)69 was confirmed.

VI. Completion of Preparation of Draft Treaties With Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland

The Council fixed Wednesday, 17th July as the closing date for the work of the Deputies.
It was decided that the unagreed questions in the five draft treaties, together with the various delegations’ proposals thereon would be mentioned in the document to be sent to the States attending the Conference.

VII. Guarantees of the Rights in Ceded Territories of Former Nationals of the Transferring Powers

Views were exchanged on this question. The U.S. Delegation reserved the right to re-open this matter at the Peace Conference.

VIII. Germany

1. Coal

The Council adopted the French Delegation’s proposal (C.F.M.(46)226),70 subject to the last paragraph being replaced by the words: “This report will be considered by the Allied Control Council in Berlin which will report to the Council of Foreign Ministers before 1st September, 1946”.

2. Economic unity and the Saar

Views were exchanged on these questions.

3. Procedure

[Page 939]

The French Delegation announced its intention of raising at the next Council meeting the question of the participation of the States bordering on Germany in the discussion of the German problem.

IX. Austria

Views were exchanged on this question.

  1. Ante, p. 816.
  2. Not printed. The article in question was included in all of the draft peace treaties submitted by the Council of Foreign Ministers to the Paris Peace Conference: Article 73 of the draft Italian treaty, article 32 of the draft Rumanian treaty, article 30 of the draft Bulgarian treaty, article 31 of the draft Hungarian treaty, and article 30 of the draft Finnish treaty.
  3. Ante, p. 681.
  4. Ante, p. 901.