C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2061: CFM Documents

Proposal by the Soviet Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers10

C.F.M.(46) 222

Commissions on Matters Concerning the Military and Economic Disarmament of Germany

1. It is deemed essential that the Allied Control Council for Germany should forthwith set up a Special Commission to control the execution of the decisions of the Allied Governments concerning the disarmament of the German armed forces and the liquidation of all [Page 879] German military and para-military organisations and establishments in all the zones of occupation in Germany.

Provision should also be made for the Disarmament Control Commission to complete its work at the earliest possible date and to present its findings and recommendations to the Allied Control Council for consideration.

2. Since no appropriate measures have as yet been adopted for the destruction of the German war potential and there is still no plan for the liquidation of those branches of the industry which provided the foundation for Germany’s armaments, it is deemed essential that the Allied Control Council should immediately set up a Special Commission to prepare a plan and decide what practical steps, within what given time-limits, should be taken to liquidate any branch of German industry which can be used for German war production and armaments.

Paris, 11 July, 1946.

  1. This paper was circulated to the Council of Foreign Ministers at the end of its 39th Meeting, July 10, 1946, and was discussed by the Council during its 40th Meeting, July 11, 1946; see the United States Delegation Records of the meetings under reference, pp. 877 and 880.