C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decisions

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Thirty-Sixth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, July 6, 1946, 4 p.m.

C.F.M.(46) 36th Meeting, July 6, 1946.


M. Molotov (Chairman)
M. Vyshinsky
M. Dekanozov
M. Gousev
U.K. U.S.A
Mr. Bevin Mr. Byrnes
Mr. Jebb Mr. Connally
Mr. Harvey Mr. Vandenberg
Mr. Dunn
Mr. Bohlen
M. Bidault
M. Couve de Murville
Gen. Catroux
M. Alphand

I Report of the Deputies

The Council approved the Deputies’ Report presented by the Chairman of the day.

II Approval of the Minutes of Previous Meetings

The Council approved the minutes of its 27th, 28th and 29th meetings.

III Agenda

The Council arranged its agenda for this meeting as follows:

Peace Conference (draft invitations and rules of procedure)
Italian reparation (final text)
German questions

IV Peace Conference (Draft invitations and rules of procedure)

The Ministers had an exchange of views on this question.

V Italian Reparation (Final text)


VI Next Meeting of the Council

Monday, July 8, at 11:30 a.m.

Paris, July 8, 1946.