740.00119 Council/6–3046: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers in Paris


3212. Secdel 392. Dept has today received note dated June 30 from Ital Amb18 stating under instructions that Ital Govt absolutely can [Page 726] not accept internationalization of Trieste, which would “constitute a violation of the Atlantic Charter, would disregard Italian rights and those of the local population, and would also be contrary to the decision taken in September by the Foreign Ministers at London.” Note adds that if “honest solution” can not be found now, Ital Govt would accept plan whereby decision would be postponed and referred to UN while present Allied occupation is continued, thus leaving unprejudiced whole question of Venezia Giulia, including Zone B. Note concludes by saying that Itals trust in friendly attitude of US so that they may not be confronted with unacceptable solution.

  1. Not printed.