740.00119 Council/3–1346: Telegram

The Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn) to the Secretary of State


2962. This is Delsec 272 from Dunn. As can be seen from our telegrams reporting the discussions on Rumania’s draft [Rumanian draft treaty?], Soviet approach to the Balkan treaties differs markedly from their position with respect to the Italian draft.52 They now give the impression of being prepared to push ahead with these treaties [Page 29] regardless of lack of agreement on Italian draft, Furthermore, whereas Gusev has lost few opportunities to emphasize in Italian discussions Italy’s aggressive role and damage to Russia caused by Italian troops, he is now claiming that Rumania’s contribution to the war against Germany should be one of the determining factors in arriving at a peace treaty with it. It seems likely that similar tactics will be employed in respect to the Bulgarian draft.

The Soviet draft as submitted with its greatly simplified clauses would, if accepted, be in marked contrast to the Italian treaty and at the same time would perpetuate the present Soviet domination of the Rumanian state and its economy. It is unlikely, however, that we shall be able to reach agreement on any treaty with respect to Rumania that does not contain provisions confirming special Soviet position there.

The reports of the discussion will show that whereas many problems have been referred to committees for discussion, the deputies will still require to give further consideration to such issues as Transylvania, Rumania’s frontier particularly in Bessarabia and Bukovina, the Danubian question, war graves, compensation for losses which have been caused to Allied states other than Russia, reparations, and the question of agreement relating to restitution of Soviet property looted by Rumania.

It is my intention to hold to the position which was taken with respect to these questions by the Secretary last September unless the Department has specific instructions requiring an alteration of this position. I am telegraphing separately with respect to the Danube.53 On the frontier question we shall continue to press for information as to the present location of the Soviet-Rumanian frontier without questioning the inclusion of Bessarabia in the Soviet Union. British and Russians have proposed elimination of war graves provision. In view of difficulties which may arise with respect to our interest in this matter if no treaty provision is made, I shall welcome an indication of the importance attached to it by both State and War Departments.

Sent to Department as 2962; repeated to Bucharest as 20.

  1. On March 11, the United States, British, and Soviet Deputies began their discussion of the Balkan peace treaties. The Rumanian treaty was taken up first. On the basis of the decision reached by the Council of Foreign Ministers in London at its 14th meeting, September 20 (see the Record of Decision of the Council, Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. ii, p. 472), the Deputies began by considering a draft Rumanian treaty submitted by the Soviet Union.
  2. The telegram under reference, 2964, Delsec 273, from London, is not printed. For documentation regarding the interest of the United States in European inland waterways, including the Danube, see vol. v, pp. 223 ff.