C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decisions

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Ninth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 28, 1946, 4 p.m.

C.F.M.(46) 29th Meeting, 28 June, 1946.


Mr. Byrnes (Chairman)
Mr. Connally
Mr. Vandenberg
Mr. Dunn
Mr. Bohlen
U.S.S.R. France
M. Molotov M. Bidault
M. Vyshinsky M. Couve de Murville
M. Dekanozov Gen. Catroux
M. Gousev M. Henri Bonnet
M. Novikov M. Alphand
Mr. Bevin
Mr. Jebb
Mr. Harvey
Mr. Duff Cooper

I. Report by the Deputies

The Council approved the Deputies’ Report submitted by the Chairman of the day.

II. Clauses of General Application to the Five Treaties

1. Treaty Commission.

The Council discussed Section III of the Drafting Committee’s Report (C.F.M.(46) 150)84 concerning the machinery of control for the execution and interpretation of the Treaties, and adopted on this subject an article which would include:

Paragraph 1 of the U.K., U.S.A. and French Delegation’s; proposal.
Paragraph 2 of the same proposal.
Paragraph already agreed in the Drafting Committee.

2. Procedure for the settlement of disputes concerning restitution of United Nations property.

Views were exchanged on this question.

3. Compensation for United Nations property. Views were exchanged on this question.

4. Transport and shipping.

The Council decided to delete this clause.

[Page 682]

III. Peace Treaty With Italy (C.F.M.(D) (46) 177)86

Italo-Yugoslav frontier.
Italian Colonies.
After an exchange of views, the Council agreed to adjourn consideration of this question.
Italian Navy.
Views were exchanged on this question.

IV. Peace Treaty With Roumania (C.F.M.(D) (46)182)86

Roumanian property on United Nations territory (Art. 26).
The Council adopted the Soviet proposal (C.F.M. (46) 162)87 on the understanding that the words “primarily for the payment of Roumanian debts” would be replaced by the words “including debts”.
Compensation (Art. 24 and C.F.M. (D) (46) 137, Part II, para 2).

V. Next Meeting

Council of Foreign Ministers—Saturday, 29th June, 4 p.m.

Deputies—Saturday, 29th June, 11 a.m.

  1. C.F.M.(46) 150, June 26, 1946, is discussed and partially quoted in footnotes 77 and 78, p. 669.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. The text of C.F.M.(46) 162, June 27, 1946, is included in the United States Delegation Record of the 28th Meeting of the Council, p. 648.