865.51/6–946: Telegram
The Chargé in Italy (Key) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 10—5:50 p.m.]
2847. Inform Treasury from Tasca,38 Member of Italian Foreign Ministry has informed Embassy following:
Sacerdoti39 has informed Foreign Ministry that US Government considers it advisable for the Italian Government to request credits from England and other countries and that the obtaining of such credits would be politically important in the US, facilitating US credits. It was further reported that even short term credits would serve purpose.
In connection member of Foreign Ministry stated that Russia on numerous occasions requested Italians to enter into bilateral negotiations to settle reparation question and also extension credits to Italy by Russia in form raw materials to be repaid in semi-finished and manufactured products. Foreign Ministry also considering requesting Russia for credits. In his opinion matter was delicate since it might involve the infiltration of Russians into Italian industry. Opinion of Embassy was requested regarding this matter.
Unless the Department instructs Embassy otherwise propose to reply that US Government is interested in Italy obtaining all aid possible from all sources available and that any measures taken which will facilitate the restoration of the Italian economy and its international trade would be approved by this Government. Foreign Ministry would be informed of the reservation to effect that the US Government [Page 480] would of course expect that no arrangement would be made with Russia which would be discriminatory against the US interests.40
Sent Dept 2847; repeated Paris as 329 for Dunn. [Tasca.]
- Henry J. Tasca, United States Treasury Representative in Italy, attached to the United States Embassy.↩
- Cesare Sacerdoti, head of the Technical Delegation attached to the Italian Embassy in Washington.↩
Telegram 1382, July 1, 1946, to Rome, repeated to Paris as telegram 3194, Secdel 385, read as follows:
“Dept agrees with proposed statement by Emb contained last para urtel 2847, June 9. In this connection Emb should also state US view that question of Ital reparations is not one for bilateral negotiation between Soviet and Italy but must be settled in connection with peace treaty.” (865.51/6–946)