740.00119 Council/6–146: Telegram

The Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn) to the Secretary of State


2665. Delsec 539 from Dunn. At meeting on May 30 Deputies heard the Austrian and Italian representatives regarding minor rectifications of the Austro-Italian frontier. Gruber in statement to Deputies made following principal points:

Austria, in putting forward claim to minor rectification in accordance with CFM decision, did not give up its demand for entire south Tyrol and intended to place question of plebiscite in that area before appropriate international assembly at later date;
Return of Pustertal including Brixen to Austria justified by economic factors, especially communications, since it is of great importance of Austria and of little value to Italy from that standpoint;
Population of the area is Austrian;
Italy’s security would not be affected in any real way by the claimed rectification despite loss of Brenner;
Austria would make arrangement very favorable to Italy, on terms already put forward, for use by Italy of power from Brixen plant;
Allies having taken decision to restore independence to Austria should take account of economic and psychological factors necessary to make it possible in fact.

Carandini for Italy stressed following points: (1) Italy cannot recognize right of Austria, which fought with Germany to end of war, to raise frontier claim against Italy, which fought with Allies after September 1943 as cobelligerent; (2) Austrian claim is not for minor [rectifications?]; (3) it would deprive Italy of its natural frontier, of important economic resources especially hydro-electric power, and [Page 462] above all of security on its northern frontier; (4) state of uncertainty created in Alto Adige by Austrian claims and agitation should be ended so that Italy can proceed with organization of that province on basis equitable for both nationalities.22

[Here follows report on the discussions among the Deputies about the naval clauses for the Italian Peace Treaty.]


[At the end of May 1946, the British Ambassador in the Soviet Union, Sir Maurice Peterson, met with Generalissimo Stalin and had a discussion which centered on the Paris meetings of the Foreign Ministers. The Peterson-Stalin meeting was reported in telegram 1711, June 1, 1946, from Moscow, printed in Volume VI, page 758.]

  1. In a memorandum of June 1, 1946, Samuel Reber wrote to Assistant Secretary of State Dunn as follows regarding a conversation with Ambassador Carandini:

    “Count Carandini called yesterday to state that his government was prepared to offer two minor frontier rectifications in an effort to meet the Austrian claim. Carandini gave me the attached maps showing the extent of these minor changes. The first is a small adjustment of the line of the Resia Pass moving it forward to the watershed. The second, although it does not include a large area, is more important as it cedes the towns of S. Candido and Sesto to Austria. It likewise followsthe watershed in that area and includes the road junction at S. Candido.

    “Carandini asked that these be kept confidential for the present as Italy did not wish to take the initiative at this moment in presenting these suggestions.” (CFM Files, Lot M–88, Box 2111, Delegation Memos)