860h.00/7–645: Telegram

The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Shantz) to the Secretary of State

236. Deptel 156 June 25.10 We and the OWI here feel that for US to supply true accounts of local developments for broadcasts in Serbo-Croat is apt to lead to denunciatory Yugo press and radio replies and is going to do more harm than good.

Problem here is not to inform Yugos of the facts of their dictatorship which are widely known. Basic need is for picture of American policy, statement of its purposes when it impinges on Yugos as in Trieste, and for vigorous presentation of American opinion about Yugos. In exceptional cases as in Gen. Fox’s11 answer to Dachau charges, material originating here will be sent for radio use. We also assume our daily press review telegrams are made available to OWI for use and information.

In any case we shall send weekly suggestions for topics and radio treatment. First suggestions, most of which are of continuing importance, follow:

Use reports from Trieste showing fairness of Allied admin, ease with which Yugos may cross border into Trieste, general sanity of our handling of difficult problems.
Serious problem here handicapping rehabilitation is failure of Yugos to show signs of demobilization either in fact or spirit. Army grows as more classes are called up. Our army plans for releasing hundreds of thousands even though war in Pacific continues should be described. Point should be clearly made that Americans wonder why Yugos does not start beating their Bren Guns into ploughs, why it continues to beat its breast with warlike talk.
Some steps might be taken to counteract press campaign over Macedonia which is heading for trouble. Any US editorial opinion questioning warlike spirit of Yugo press would be valuable as would any suggestion that as spirit of new covenant of United Nations a non-partisan, non-Yugo, non-Greek committee investigate area and report.
American interest in forthcoming elections in liberated areas might be made more specific by emphasis on parties, their freedom in America and by pointing out our expectation that old parties in Yugo will be permitted similar freedom to campaign.

Rptd Rome as 20 for Linen, USIS.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Possibly Brig. Gen. Leon A. Fox of the U.S. Typhus Commission.