- Acheson, Dean, 688, 690
- Afghanistan, 907
- Air transportation arrangements. See Portugal; Soviet Union; and Sweden.
- Air Transport Command, 747–756 passim, 927–928
- Alba, Duke of, 675n
- Alexander, Field Marshal Sir Harold, 1202, 1207, 1213, 1319n , 1323
- Alexandrov, Georgy F., 829–831
- Alexey (Alexis), Patriarch of Moscow and of all Russia, 1113–1114, 1126, 1127–1128
- Allied Control Commissions. See under Bulgaria; Hungary; and Rumania.
- Allied Reparation Commission in Moscow, question of participation of France, Poland, and Yugoslavia, 832, 838
- American Communist Party. See Communist Political Association of America.
- American Red Cross, 1056–1057, 1059, 1062, 1066n , 1067
- Anders, Gen. Władysław, 162, 177, 424–425
- Andvord, Rolf Otto, 95, 99
- Anglo-Russian conversations in Moscow, Oct. 1944, 505–506, 523, 526, 635
- Antonescu, Marshal Ion, 477n , 634
- Arab League, 905
- Arciszewski, Tomasz, 123, 177, 215, 366–368
- Armenia, 902
- Armour, Norman, 667–668, 690–692, 704, 707
- Arrese, José Luis de, 680, 685
- Artajo, Martin, 684, 685–688, 695–697
- Asensio, Gen. Carlos, 676–677
- Aspasia, Princess, 1182
- Assarsson, Per Vilhelm, 758, 760, 761, 763
- Asylum, right of, U.S. policy for foreign nationals. See Soviet Union: Kravchenko case; and under Rumania; and Yugoslavia: United Provisonal Government.
- Atlantic Charter, 482, 491
- Atomic bomb. See Soviet Union: Atomic energy production.
- Austria, Yugoslav attempts to occupy Carinthia, U.S. concern regarding, 1216, 1229, 1232, 1234, 1236, 1313–1327; Churchill’s message to Truman, 1317; Soviet position, 1317, 1321–1322, 1326
- Avery, Capt. Myron, 88–89
- Azores, Santa Maria airport. See under Portugal: Air Transport Command.
- Bakić, Mitar, 1199
- Balfour, John, 595n , 1285
- Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 939, 940, 959, 996, 998
- Bankhead, Henry M., 972
- Beck-Friis, Baron Johan Hugo, 61, 65, 72
- Belgium, 467–468, 528–529
- Benjamin (Venyamin), Metropolitan of North America and the Aleutians, 1111, 1113, 1116, 1118–1119, 1120
- Bentinck, Victor F. W. Cavendish, 393, 417–418, 421
- Berlin Conference. See Conference of Berlin (Potsdam).
- Bernadotte, Count Folke, 80n
- Berry, Burton Y., 464–465, 470–472, 473–474, 486–487, 490, 495, 511, 517, 522, 529, 532, 537n , 541, 543, 557n , 580, 591, 603–604, 607, 609, 612–613, 615, 618, 620n , 631, 648–649
- Bevin, Ernest, 696n , 697, 1106
- Bidault, Georges, 698, 702, 718
- Biddle, Francis, 1132–1134
- Bierut, Bolesław, 126n , 128, 206, 253, 346–348, 352, 355–361, 376–379, 385–386, 393, 415–417, 434–435, 840
- Blank, Col. S. M., 662, 664–665
- Boheman, Erik C., 65, 70–71, 76–77, 81, 737, 739
- Bohlen, Charles E., 115n , 132–133, 228–229, 832–838, 987, 1131–1132
- Bolshevik Revolution. See Soviet Union: Internal conditions: October Revolution.
- Bonnard, Abel, 708, 709
- Bonnard, Eugene, 709
- Bor-Komorowski, Gen. Tadeusz, 366
- Bourgeois, Father, 1130
- Bowker, Reginald J., 709n , 715, 716, 717, 718, 719
- Bratianu, Dinu, 492, 500, 504, 583, 624, 629, 644, 646
- Braun, Father Leopold, 1125, 1126, 1126n –1127n , 1128, 1129
- British Broadcasting Company, 718n
- British Chiefs of Staff, 58–60, 75, 79
- Browder, Earl R., 867n , 872–873
- Bruggmann, Charles, 772–773, 799–801, 804–806
- Budisayljevich, Dr. Srdjan, 1205, 1208
- Bujak, Franciszek, 121n , 124, 142n
- Bulgaria (see also
Groza Government, Postal and
telegraphic communications, and
War Criminals
Rumania; and
Soviet Union: Economic and
commercial relations: Balkans), 466, 468, 505, 552
- Allied Control Commission, Soviet assumption of full authority, 835–836
- Armistice with United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union, signed at Moscow, Oct. 28, 1944, 464
- Crimea Agreement, proposal to discuss implementation, 832, 834–835
- Diplomatic relations, negotiations regarding resumption of, 547–548, 550, 554–555, 558, 560, 561–562
- Elections, U.S. proposal to Soviet Union for tripartite Allied surveillance committee, 834–835
- Government, Ethridge investigation concerning representative character of, 638–640
- Soviet-Bulgarian trade agreement, 852–853, 1003
- Soviet policy, 633–637
- Swiss blocking of assets, 782–784, 792
- Byrnes, James F., 95n , 99–100, 108, 512, 522, 586, 588, 595–599, 608, 615, 620–623, 633n , 638–640, 645, 1256–1257
- Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 1190
- Caldwell, F. T., 720n , 721–722
- Campbell, John, 598–599
- Canada, 9, 13, 970, 972
- Cannon, Cavendish W., 1192–1194
- Carceller, Demetrio, 678n , 680, 720–722, 722–723
- Cárdenas, Juan Francisco de, 695, 697, 701–704
- Carinthia, Yugoslav attempts to occupy and U.S. concern regarding, 1216, 1229, 1232, 1234, 1236, 1313–1327; Churchill’s message to Truman, 1317; Soviet position, 1317, 1321–1322, 1326
- Carol II, King of Rumania, question of return from exile in Brazil, 537, 561, 585, 597–598, 602, 641–642
- Castillo y Campos, Cristóbal del, 709n , 715, 719, 727
- Catroux, Gen. Georges, 1126
- Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor F. W. See Bentinck, Victor F. W. Cavendish.
- Chiang Kai-shek, 843
- China, 843, 922
- Churchill, Winston S., 30, 94, 469, 482n
, 509, 526,
547, 550, 561, 938, 1021
- Conversations with—
- Correspondence with—
- Gen. Franco, 688–689
- King Peter II of Yugoslavia, 1257
- Netherlands Prime Minister Gerbrandy, 4–5
- Roosevelt, 19–20, 505–506, 509–510, 531, 1072–1073, 1090n ; concerning Poland, 110–111, 131–132, 147–150, 153–154, 155–157, 158–160, 163–165, 170–472, 185–193, 209–210
- Stalin, 111, 149–150, 191–193, 204–205, 220–221, 265–271, 285–287, 1088–1090
- Truman, 211–212, 218–219, 262, 264–271, 284, 314–315, 317, 320–324, 327–328, 331–332, 334–335, 550–551, 552, 1317, 1319
- Cicognani, Archbishop Amleto G., 16
- Ciechanowski, Jan, 121–122, 132–133, 165–167, 198–201, 287–288, 338–339
- Olark Kerr. See Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark.
- Clayton, William L., 844, 845, 937n , 938n , 953–954, 957, 964–966, 975–977, 999n , 1016, 1025, 1041n
- Clubb, O. Edmund, 1168–1171, 1172–1173
- Collado, Emilio G., 938–940, 997–998, 1005–1006
- Collier, Laurence, 83n , 92, 95
- Oolmer, William M., 881–883
- Combined Chiefs of Staff, 29, 59, 60, 62–63, 73, 78, 79, 82–84, 453–457, 1099, 1106
- Comintern. See Soviet Union: Communist International.
- Communism and Communist Party. See Soviet Union: Communist International.
- Communist Political Association of America, rebuke by French Communist Party, 872–873
- Conferences at Malta and Yalta. See Crimea Conference.
- Conference of Berlin (Potsdam), July 11–Aug. 2, 94n , 95n , 361–436, 561–565, 568, 570–571, 574, 587n , 606, 608, 611, 615, 655; admission of Spain to United Nations, statement regarding, 683–689 passim, 691, 694, 702, 707
- Constan, Peter, 1181n
- Council of Foreign Ministers in London, Sept. 11–Oct. 2, 99n , 100n , 562–563, 565, 576n , 589, 604–605, 606–607, 615–616, 620–621
- Crandall, Col. Francis W., 1044, 1045
- Crimea Conference:
- Agreement on prisoners of war and civilians liberated by Allies, 837, 1072, 1075, 1076, 1078–1079, 1089, 1091, 1092, 1098, 1102, 1104–1105, 1107, 1110–1111
- Agreement on Yugoslavia, implementation of (see also Declaration of Liberated Europe: Yugoslavia, infra), 1198n , 1199, 1202, 1214, 1218, 1220–1221, 1226, 1235, 1241, 1261, 1267–1268, 1270–1271, 1271–1272, 1274–1275, 1277, 1278–1279, 1281–1282, 1286–1287, 1298
- Declaration of Liberated Europe, implementation of:
- Bulgaria, 633, 635, 638, 639, 641, 834–835
- Hungary, 835–836
- Rumania, 469, 473, 476, 478–480, 482, 485, 486n , 490, 491, 495, 498–499, 500, 501, 506, 509, 510, 512, 515–516, 517, 521, 522, 528, 541, 560, 566, 574, 582, 598n , 602–603, 606–607, 618, 628, 630, 633, 635, 638, 640, 641, 832–834
- Yugoslavia (see also Agreement on Yugoslavia, supra), 1202, 1217, 1241, 1289
- Declaration on Poland, implementation of, 121, 137, 140–141, 147–150, 150–152, 158, 159, 165–167, 172–176, 176–178, 189, 194–196, 201–204, 213–215, 220–221, 223, 235–237, 238, 418, 430, 434, 836–837; Polish Commission discussions and U.S. position on, 238–361
- Crowley, Leo T., 765–767, 951, 991, 999–1000, 1004, 1009–1010, 1023–1025, 1030–1031, 1033–1034, 1035n , 1036n , 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1051
- Cumming, Hugh S., 75–76
- Currie, Lauehlin, 774, 777
- Curzon line. See under Poland: Soviet Union: Territorial questions; and Prisoners of war: American and Soviet prisoners of war: Status of liberated nationals of Poland.
- Czechel, Jan, 1149–1150, 1151, 1154–1155, 1158
- Czechoslovakia, recognition of Provisional Government of Poland (Lublin committee), 112, 113n
- Danzig, 117, 198, 205–206, 231, 284, 294, 297
- Davies, Joseph E., receipt of Order of Lenin, 851–852
- de Gasperi, Alcide, 114
- de Gaulle, Charles, 114, 843
- Deane, Gen. John R., 252n , 255, 1007–1008, 1012–1014, 1016–1018, 1073, 1075, 1077–1079, 1079–1081, 1085
- Deat, Marcel, 708
- Declaration of Liberated Europe. See under Crimea Conference.
- Declaration on Poland. See under Crimea Conference.
- Dekanozov, Vladimir G., 809–810
- Denmark, trade relations with Sweden, 735, 736, 739, 740–741, 742, 743, 745
- Dent, John, 733–734
- Dimitrov, Georgi M., 548, 634, 639
- Doenitz, Grand Adm. Karl, 83, 84n
- Donovan, William J., 465n
- Duclos, Jacques, 867n
- Dunn, James C., 228n , 701–706, 843, 1075–1077, 1186, 1234, 1269–1270
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 134, 400–409, 815, 852–853, 887, 924–926, 1001–1003, 1110–1111, 1139–1141
- Dzhugashvili, Lt. Yakov (Stalin’s son), 863
- Eden, Anthony, 5, 52–53, 56, 58, 73–75, 79, 505, 513n , 1088–1090
- Egypt, 905
- Ehrenburg, Ilya G., 830–831
- Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.:
- Erhardt, John G., 719–720
- Esmarch, August, 70–71, 81
- Ethridge, Mark, investigation of political and economic conditions in Rumania and Bulgaria, 622–623, 627–641, 643
- European Advisory Commission, 838
- Export-Import Bank, 845, 898–899, 939, 940, 957, 958–959, 960, 996, 997–998, 1011, 1034, 1036, 1037, 1039n
- Falange. See under Spain: Franco regime.
- Ferguson, John H., 954–956
- Finland, 841
- Fletcher, Jess, 1160–1161
- Flynn, Edward J., 1125n
- Foot, Dingle, 40, 52, 732, 744
- Foreign Economic Administration, 32–33, 36, 41–42, 46, 51, 53–54, 765–767, 771, 850, 953, 962, 967, 988, 1000n , 1003, 1004, 1009–1010, 1011, 1026–1027, 1030–1031, 1032, 1035n , 1036, 1042, 1045
- Foreign Ministers meeting in Moscow, Dec. 16–26, 643, 645, 702
- Forrest, Wilbur, 871
- Forrestal, James V., 26, 49–50, 93–94, 102, 108, 252n , 1076–1077, 1158
- Fotich, Constantin, 1209
- Fox, Homer S., 972
- Framnes Shipbuilding Co. (Framnaes Mekaniske Verksted), 85–86
- France (see also under Switzerland: Exports to Germany):
- Franco, Gen. Francisco, 441n , 668–671, 672–674, 678, 679–680, 684–687, 694–695, 695–697, 708n
- Fraser, Carl, 972
- “Free Germany” movement, dissolution of, 915–916
- Gabol, Maurice, 709
- Gavrilovich, Stoyan, 1314
- George, William P., 724n , 725, 726, 727
- Georgescu, Teohari, 537, 561
- Gerbrandy, Pieter S., 4–5, 14
- Germany. See Norway; Soviet Union; Sweden; and Switzerland.
- Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe, 468–469
- Golikov, Gen. Filipp I., 1093
- Golubev, Gen. Konstantin D., 1100n , 1101
- Gomulka, Władysław, 353n , 393–394
- Gore-Booth, Paul H., 1053–1054
- Grabski, Stanislaw, 121n , 124, 135, 143, 146, 197, 265, 305, 307–308, 310, 314, 316, 322, 328, 352
- Grafstrom, Sven, 758, 759, 760
- Greece, 467–468, 505–506, 528, 529
- Green, William, 1137
- Greenland. See Norway: Spitzbergen and Bear Island.
- Grew, Joseph C., 62–63, 77–79, 90–91, 271, 1234–1236
- Grol, Milan, 1199, 1203, 1213, 1218–1220, 1224–1225, 1237, 1249–1251, 1253, 1258–1259, 1262, 1266–1267, 1273–1274, 1277–1278, 1295, 1301–1302
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 792–793, 940–942, 951–952, 981, 984, 986–987, 988, 1090–1092, 1132, 1141, 1160–1163
- Groza, Petru, 492–494, 503–509 passim, 515, 525, 527n , 553, 563, 574–621 passim, 628–630, 640, 833
- Gunther, Christian E., 65, 69–72, 79–81, 83–84, 760, 761
- Hagglof, Gunnar R., 758
- Halifax, Viscount, 112, 771–772, 1088–1090, 1179, 1183–1184, 1319
- Hansson, Per Albin, 64n , 72
- Harriman, W. Averell, 478n
, 485, 491–492, 498–499, 501, 509, 512–513, 522n
, 528n
, 532, 550–552, 557, 561n
, 608, 651,
1022, 1025–1026, 1148
- Conversations with Stalin, 224, 825–829, 839–840, 842, 844, 846
- Correspondence with—
- Participation in Polish Commission discussions, 123–125, 129–130, 134–137, 141–144, 145–147, 179–184, 196–198, 213–217, 253–255, 291–292, 304–306, 311–312, 335, 336, 344, 354–360
- Resignation as Ambassador to Soviet Union, 924n
- Hayes, Carlton J. H., 668n , 669
- Hazard, John N., 1033, 1044, 1047–1048, 1051n
- Heath, Donald R., 1324
- Hensel, H. Struve, 815n
- Hickerson, John D., 73–75, 96–97, 1285
- Himmler, Heinrich, 65
- Hirshfield, Mela B., 1156, 1157
- Hitler, Adolf, 65, 923; correspondence with Franco and Mussolini, 678n , 698, 699–700, 702
- Hoare, Sir Samuel, 710, 713, 714, 715
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 1132n , 1134
- Hopkins, Harry L., 132n , 551–552, 650, 818, 983, 1026, 1039–1040
- Hornbeck, Stanley K., 5–8
- Hulick, Charles E., Jr., 593
- Hungary, 467, 526–527, 546
- Iceland. See Norway: Spitzbergen and Bear Island.
- Ilsley, James L., 997
- International Red Cross, 19–21, 832, 836–837, 1103
- International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., 720–724
- Iran, 906–907
- Iraq, 905–906
- Irgens, Francis, 36n , 45, 87–89
- Italy (see also under Switzerland: Exports to Germany), 464, 517, 523–524, 555; recognition of Provisional Government of Poland (Lublin committee), 113, 114
- Jan Mayen Island. See under Norway.
- Japan (see also Portugal: Timor):
- Jews and Zionism, 365, 408–409, 903–904
- Johnson Act 1934, 845, 939, 950, 1008, 1011
- Johnson, Herschel V., 68, 83
- Johnston, Eric A., 994–995
- Joint Anglo-American Relief Committee, 27, 43
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 26, 28, 31–32, 35, 39, 41, 45–51, 56, 75–76, 78, 93–94, 96, 98, 102n , 108, 877–878, 1075, 1076, 1103, 1105, 1106n –1107n
- Jorstad, Lars J., 86–87, 89–90
- Kalinin, Mikhail I., 891
- Kapustin, Alexander N., 1139–1141
- Kardelj, Edvard, 1207, 1213–1214, 1220–1222, 1237, 1248, 1263, 1309
- Kavtaradze, Sergey I., 597n , 605
- Kennan, George F., 230–231, 277–278, 295–296, 535n , 884–886, 901–908, 1092–1093, 1112–1124, 1165, 1166, 1167–1168, 1172, 1312
- Kerr, Sir Archibald Clark, 863
- Kessler, Gen. Alfred A., Jr., 751, 757n , 758–759, 762
- King, Adm. Ernest J., 252n , 254–255
- King, W. L. Mackenzie, 997
- Kirk, Alexander C., 1103
- Klaveness, A/S A. F., 85–86
- Kollantay, Madame Alexandra Mikhailovna, 77
- Königsberg, 118
- Kosanovich, Sava, 1184
- Kravchenko, Victor A. See Soviet Union: Kravchenko case.
- Kurds, 902
- Kutrzeba, Stanisław, 121n , 124, 128, 135–136, 142–143, 146, 197, 215, 307–310, 314, 330, 332, 335, 388
- Kuznetsov, Nikolay D., 103
- Laberge, Rev. G. Antonio, 1129, 1130, 1131
- Lane, Arthur B., 166–167, 278–280; on Poland, 412–415, 418, 422–423, 426–427
- Lange, Oscar, 422
- Laval, Pierre. See under Spain.
- Le Rougetel, John H., 524–525, 529, 539, 561n , 583, 591, 603–604, 607, 609, 615, 642
- Leahy, Adm. William D., 252n , 254
- Lebanon, 902–903
- Lend-Lease. See under Norway: Liberated ships agreement; and Assistance from the United States, and Economic and commercial relations: International Conference on Trade under Soviet Union.
- Lequerica, José F., 668, 670, 671, 673–676, 678, 680–681, 684, 708, 710, 711–712, 714–715, 717–718, 727, 729–730
- Lie, Trygve, 40–41, 51, 56–59, 61–67, 69–73 passim, 91–108 passim
- Liechtenstein, 785, 788
- Lithuania:
- Litvinov, M. M., 912n , 921, 922n
- Lobonov, Alexander F. See Soviet Union: Naval personnel and vessels, etc.: Merchant seaman deserters.
- London, Kurt, 598–599
- Lozovsky, Solomon A., 814
- Lublin Government. See Government-in-exile, and Soviet policies in liberated areas: Provisional Government of Poland under Poland; and Soviet Union: Poland.
- Luca, Vasile, 481, 584, 636
- Lupu, Niculae, 493, 621
- McCabe, Thomas B., 1052
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 997
- Macedonia, incorporation into a Yugoslav federation, 1201, 1290, 1304; U.S. and British views, 1244, 1305–1306
- Machek, Vladko, 1192, 1227, 1230–1232, 1238–1239, 1255, 1273
- Maclean, Fitzroy H., 1198, 1305
- Macmillan, Harold, 1179
- McNarney, Gen. Joseph T., 1075–1076
- Makins, Roger, 74–76
- Malinovsky, Marshal Rodion Y., 475, 504, 507, 517, 549, 564, 568, 612
- Malitsky, Valentine S., 1149
- Mallet, Sir Victor A. L., 69, 71, 80, 83–84, 688, 697, 718n , 719
- Mandić, Ante, 1196, 1204, 1205, 1208
- Maniu. Iuliu, 470–471, 474, 481, 492, 500, 504, 507n , 525–526, 553–554, 560, 584, 620–621, 624, 626–627, 629, 631, 643n , 646
- Manuilsky, Dimitry Z., 866
- Marshall, Gen. George C., 252n , 254, 862, 1072–1073
- Mason, Edward S., 973–975
- Maury, Col. John M., 868, 869
- Melbourne, Roy M., 557, 573, 591–592
- Menshikov, Mikhail A. (see also United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration), 844n
- Mexico, Communist activity in, 878–880
- Michael I, King of Rumania:
- Appeals to Allied governments for assistance in forming a more representative government, 465, 574–575, 577–578, 578–580, 583, 592–593, 594–595, 600, 601–604, 607–608, 621, 644–645
- Resignation of Petru Groza, request for, 574, 578–579
- Views concerning Soviet policies and actions, 465–466, 536–539, 541, 576, 580–581
- Mihailović, Gen. Draža, 1192, 1212, 1214, 1229–1230; U.S. position toward, 1242–1243
- Mikolajczyk, Stanisław (see also Poland: Polish Provisional Government of National Unity: Anglo-American-Soviet Commission: Polish delegates):
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 945–946, 995, 1002, 1008, 1016–1018, 1019–1021, 1025–1026
- Milepost (Pacific) program, 998
- Modzelewski, Zygmunt, 369–370, 380, 396–397
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M.:
- Discussions and communications relative to—
- American prisoners of war in Soviet-occupied Poland, 1080, 1084, 1086, 1088, 1106, 1109n
- Norway, Soviet claims to Bear Island and Spitzbergen, 91–92, 95, 99–100, 103
- Poland, 123–124, 130, 132, 135–137, 141–144, 180, 196–197, 208–224 passim, 229, 235–251 passim, 256–258, 260–262, 272–276, 281–284, 310–312, 339–340, 356–360
- Rumania, 476, 484–485, 495, 497–498, 509–511, 516–518, 528–529, 603–609, 615, 618, 621, 633, 645
- Soviet relations with other countries, 820, 821, 822, 825–826, 828–829, 861–862
- U.S. post-war credit to Russia, 942–944, 951, 1009
- Yugoslavia, 1237, 1274, 1309, 1312
- Discussions and communications relative to—
- Monnet, Jean, 965
- Morawski, E. B. See Osóbka-Morawski.
- Morgenstierne, Wilhelm Munthe de, 31–32, 36n , 45, 55, 57–59, 62, 77–78
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 815–816, 937–938, 948–949, 961–963, 965, 966
- Moscow Declaration on General Security, Oct. 30, 1943, 836
- Moscow Declaration on Austria, Nov. 1, 1943, 1319
- Moscow Declaration on German Atrocities, Nov. 1, 1943, 547
- Mundt-Bolton congressional tour, interview with Tito, 1263, 1266–1267
- Muraviev, Kosta, 638
- Murphy, Robert D., 85, 863, 918–919, 1104–1105
- National Broadcasting Company, 697
- Near and Middle East. See individual countries; and under Soviet Union; Soviet foreign policy.
- Negel, Dimitri, 469, 504, 585
- Neraud, Paul, 709
- Netherlands, 1–25
- Netherlands East Indies, U.S. interest in political developments following defeat of Japan, 25
- Relief supplies to, U.S. interest in, 1–25
- Conditions and needs of the Netherlands populace, 6–7, 9–10, 12, 19
- International Red Cross, British proposal for distributing supplies, 19–21
- Negotiations between Netherlands and United Kingdom for sending assistance to civilians in unliberated Netherlands through Sweden, 9–12, 13–18, 21
- SHAEF responsibility for liberated civilians, 1–3, 4, 24–25; Netherlands proposals to transfer responsibility to Netherlands government, 1–3, 8–9, 11–12
- Truce between Allies and Germany to supply unliberated Netherlands, 21–24
- U.S.-Netherlands agreements regarding mutual aid, April 30, 25
- Vatican appeal to United States for aid, 16, 18
- Neveu, Pius Eugene, 1130n
- New York Herald Tribune, 698, 699–701
- NKVD, 119, 347, 413, 420–421, 1212
- Norden, Carl F., 1181n , 1203–1204, 1206, 1220–1223
- Nordenskiold, Gen. Bengt, 758, 759–760
- Norway, 26–109
- Air transport services, agreement with the United States respecting, effected by exchange of notes signed Oct. 6, 109
- Intra-blockade relief supplies from Sweden, question of, 26–55
- Jan Mayen Island, arrangements for withdrawal of U.S. Navy personnel, 100–108; U.S.-Norwegian agreement concerning, 1943, 101n , 103–104
- Liberation by the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and Sweden, consideration of, 56–85
- Liberated ships agreement with the United States, discussions regarding negotiation of:
- Marine transportation problems and litigation, agreement with the United States respecting, effected by exchange of notes signed May 29, 108–109
- Spitzbergen and Bear Island, U.S. attitude regarding Soviet demands with respect to, 91–100, 102–103, 105–107; treaty between the United States and other powers relating to, signed Feb. 9, 1920, 91–93, 95–96
- Sweden, trade relations with, 733, 734–735, 739, 742, 745–746, 749
- Novikov, Nikolai V., 977–979, 991n , 1003, 1095n
- Office of War Information, 599, 617, 689, 880–881, 898
- Oggins, Isaiah, 1150–1151, 1152–1153
- Okulicki, Gen. Leopold, 199n , 200, 282–284, 286
- Olav, Prince, 30, 56–57, 59, 92
- Order of Lenin. See under Soviet Union: Decorations.
- Order of Victory. See under Soviet Union: Decorations.
- Orlemanski, Father Stanislaus, 1120n
- Osborne, Lithgow, 56, 59, 61–62, 63–64, 66–69, 72–73, 80–81, 91–92, 95–96, 97–98, 103, 104–106, 106–107
- Osóbka-Morawski, E. B., 129n , 206, 294–295, 346–347, 351–353, 356, 364, 405, 432
- Palestine, 904–905
- Patraşcanu, Lucretiu, 480, 537, 576, 621
- Patterson, Richard, 627n , 1215, 1236, 1239–1240, 1267–1268, 1269, 1271–1272, 1285–1286, 1292–1294; conversations with Truman, 1252–1253
- Patterson, Robert P., 41, 93–94, 108, 568–569
- Pauker, Ana, 468n –496n , 481, 505, 537, 634, 636
- Pavlov, Alexey P., 557, 576, 601
- Payne, Robert G., 724n , 725, 727
- Pepper, Senator Claude D., 881–884, 1039; conversations with Tito, 1276–1278
- Peter II, King of Yugoslavia:
- Petrescu, Constantin T., 492, 554, 562, 567, 584, 586, 593–594, 597, 600, 616, 621, 624–625, 632
- Petroleum. See Rumania: American-owned oil equipment.
- Petroleum Administration for War, 650–651, 656
- Pika, Ivan M. See Soviet Union: Naval personnel and vessels: Merchant seamen deserters.
- Poland (see also
Soviet Union: Poland, and
Relief supplies to Europe), 110–436
- Boundary adjustments. See Soviet Union: Territorial questions, infra.
- Committee of National liberation. See Soviet policies in liberated areas: Provisional Government of Poland (Lublin Committee), infra.
- Curzon line. See under Soviet Union: Territorial questions, infra.
- Displaced persons. See under Soviet policies in liberated areas, infra.
- Economic and financial needs of postwar Poland and
U.S. assistance to:
- Export-Import Bank, possibility of assistance through, 347–348, 362, 365, 374–375, 386, 388–390, 392, 403, 411–412, 415, 419, 423, 428
- Food shortages, 373, 382–383, 401, 427–429
- Polish Provisional Government’s request for trade credits and economic assistance, 347–348, 375, 383, 385–386, 390, 400–401, 409, 427–430
- UNRRA and Red Cross assistance to Poland, 347–348, 383, 401, 408; inability to get visas into Poland, 362, 364; difficulty of Poles to get supplies, 413, 420–421
- U.S.-Polish rate of exchange, problems relating to, 365, 376–377, 384–385, 409
- Franco’s concern over Soviet control of, 677, 679
- Government-in-exile (see also
- British and U.S. recognition of, 111–112
- Charges of liquidations and deportations against Lublin Government, 127, 133, 149, 153; Soviet denial, 287
- Fear that new Polish government would be Soviet-controlled, 165–167
- Invitation to Polish consultations, 166–167, 180–181, 215, 304
- Invitation to United Nations Conference, 160, 167
- Polish armed forces loyal to, 162, 366
- Refusal to recognize Yalta agreement, 122–123, 162
- Harriman’s conversation with Stalin concering Polish situation, 839–840, 842, 844, 846
- Jews, disappearance of, 365, 408–409
- Lane’s views relating to various Polish questions, 412–414, 418, 422–423, 426–427
- Lublin Committee. See under Soviet policies in liberated areas: Provisional Government of Poland, infra.
- Polish prisoners of war. See Prisoners of war: American and Soviet prisoners: Status of liberated nationals.
- Polish Provisional Government of National Unity:
- Anglo-American-Soviet Commission (Polish
Commission) to reorganize Polish government, 131, 138–139
- Correspondence between—
- Churchill and Roosevelt, 110–111, 131–132, 147–150, 153–154, 155–157, 158–160, 163–165, 170–172, 185–193, 209–210
- Churchill and Truman, 211–212, 218–219, 262, 264–271, 284, 314–315, 317, 320–324, 327–328, 331–332, 334–335
- Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin, 147–150, 191–196, 201–205
- Churchill, Truman, and Stalin, 220–221, 258–259, 263–271, 280–281, 285–287, 293
- Hopkins and Truman, 299–300, 307–309, 313–314, 318–320, 326–327
- Deadlock of:
- British and U.S. views, 147–152, 155–160, 163–165, 172–176, 185–196, 220–221, 231–234, 237–262, 265–276, 281–284, 291–293
- Conversations between Stalin and Hopkins, 299–313, 313–316, 318–319, 326, 328–331, 337–338; Churchill’s attitude toward, 337–338
- Soviet views, 176–178, 201–205, 237–251, 256–264, 272–276, 281–287, 293; interpreted by Harriman and Lane, 136, 141, 145–147, 183–184, 197, 213–217, 278–280
- Polish delegates, discussions on selection, 123–125, 129–130, 134–137, 142–144, 179–182, 196–198, 330–332, 335; settlement of question, 330–331, 334–335
- Correspondence between—
- Anti-British and American propaganda, 395, 397
- Breach between Mikolajczyk and communist-dominated group, 394–395
- Censorship, 364, 370, 378, 380–381, 384, 385, 396–397, 409–410, 414, 415, 422, 432
- Claims on western boundaries, 355–356
- Committments to United States, 362–363
- Elections, discussions relating to, 356, 358, 363, 372, 393–394, 398–399, 406, 410, 412, 414–417, 432–433
- Formation by Polish delegates, 352–354
- Nationalization of property, 376–377, 386–388, 391–392, 409–410, 412
- Political arrests and terroristic activities, 378–379, 381, 384–385, 388–389, 397–398, 409–410, 415, 422–425, 432
- Political parties, limitation of, 413, 417–418, 425–426, 430–432, 434–435
- Anglo-American-Soviet Commission (Polish
Commission) to reorganize Polish government, 131, 138–139
- Provisional Government of Poland (Lublin Committee). See under Soviet policies in liberated areas, infra.
- Red Army, occupation by, 372–373, 378, 395, 414, 416
- Reparations from Germany, 402
- Repatriation of Polish soldiers, 127, 133n , 347, 363, 372, 379, 407, 421, 424–425, 432–436
- Soviet policies in liberated areas and interest in a
Soviet-supported government in Poland:
- Arrest and trial of Polish underground leaders, 198–201, 207–208, 210, 213–214, 270, 276, 279–284, 286–287, 292–293, 308–309, 312–316, 318–319, 326–331, 333–334, 338, 348–351; exchange of messages between Churchill, Truman, and Stalin, 284, 314; Hopkins-Stalin discussions relating to, 312–316, 318–319, 326, 328–331
- Displaced persons, 371, 399, 407, 420–421
- Liquidations in Poland, reports of, 127, 133, 149, 153, 287
- U.S. and British observers in Poland, 132, 134, 137–138, 141, 144, 150, 156, 168, 175, 177, 279
- Provisional Government of Poland (Lublin
Committee), 111n
, 141, 145–146
- British and U.S. position regarding recognition of, 112–114, 160, 173; Czechoslovak recognition, 112, 113n ; Italian position, 113–114; Soviet recognition, 110–111; Yugoslav recognition, 205n
- Soviet efforts to force U.S. recognition, 1079n , 1080
- Soviet proposal to invite Poles to United Nations Conference, 160, 227; U.S. and British position, 160, 164, 227, 280n , 281
- Soviet Union (see also
Soviet policies in liberated areas, etc.,
- Movement of material from Poland to Russia, 414
- Soviet-Polish treaty of friendship, mutual assistance, and postwar cooperation, 225–227, 234, 237–238, 266
- Territorial questions:
- Curzon line as basis for negotiation of future eastern frontier of Poland, 116, 117, 122, 168, 245, 259–260
- Danzig and regions of Silesia, incorporation into Poland, 198, 205–206, 208, 229–231, 407–408; Soviet position on, 208, 229–231, 293–295, 297–298, 325–326; U.S. and British views, 230, 276–278, 289–290, 293–297, 347
- Underground organizations:
- Amnesty to Polish partisans, 347
- Arrest and trial of Polish underground leaders. See under Soviet policies in liberated areas, supra.
- Polish Red Cross, 1074, 1080, 1085
- Popiel, Karol, 125n , 130, 197, 316, 320–321, 326, 328, 330–331, 333, 353, 355, 370, 405
- Portugal, 437–463
- Air transport agreement with United States, by exchange of notes, Dec. 6, 452
- Air Transport Command service to Europe through Portugal, U.S.-Portuguese agreement regarding, by exchange of notes, Mar. 27, 437–451
- Macao, 457, 458
- Neutrality, policy of, 438, 439, 440–441, 446
- Switzerland, storage of food supplies in Portugal, 765–766
- Timor, reestablishment of Portuguese sovereignty and control, 452–463; Japanese surrender of Timor to Australia, 459–463
- Potsdam Conference. See Conference of Berlin.
- Prisoners of war:
- Allied prisoners and interned civilians of Japanese-controlled
territory, 1053–1067
- British interest in, 1053–1067
- Japanese attitude, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065
- Mail, 1057, 1058, 1060, 1061–1062
- Medical supplies and food, 1059–1060
- Movement of supplies, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1056, 1059, 1060–1061, 1062–1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067
- Soviet-Japanese negotiations concerning, 1053, 1054, 1057, 1058, 1062–1063, 1064
- American and British prisoners of war in Poland and the Balkans:
- American and Soviet prisoners of war and interned
civilians, 837, 1067–1111
- Care and treatment, 1080, 1083, 1087–1088
- United States-United Kingdom-Soviet Union agreement on prisoners of war and civilians liberated by Allies, Yalta, Feb. 11, 1072n , 1075, 1076, 1078–1079, 1089, 1091, 1092, 1098, 1102, 1104–1105, 1107, 1110–1111
- Forcible repatriation of Soviet nationals, question of, 1076, 1095–1096, 1098–1099, 1100–1110
- German prisoners of war of Soviet nationality,
problem of repatriation, 1067–1072, 1083–1084, 1100–1102,
- British views, 1106, 1110–1111
- Geneva Convention on treatment of prisoners of war 1929, question of application, 1068–1069, 1070–1071, 1093, 1094, 1095–1096, 1097, 1103
- German views, 1069, 1084, 1093–1094
- Soviet attitude, 1068, 1090–1092, 1097, 1100–1101, 1105, 1109n
- U.S. policy and views, 1068–1072, 1076, 1083–1084, 1094–1096, 1098–1099, 1104, 1105, 1106–1109, 1110
- Allied prisoners and interned civilians of Japanese-controlled
territory, 1053–1067
- Public Law 222, Congressional act to dispose of U.S. prizes of war, 88n
- Quaroni, Pietro, 113n
- Raczkiewcz, Władysław, 127n , 133, 177
- Raczynski, Count Edward, 122n
- Radescu, Gen. Nicolae, 464–465, 470n , 471–472, 474, 480–482, 487, 497, 500n , 502, 507, 530–531, 533, 624, 640
- Radulescu, Savel, 504, 576, 580–581, 592–593
- Rajchman, Dr. Ludwig, 375, 382–383, 409–410, 427–428
- Rappard, William E., 780, 785–787, 791–792
- Reagen, Daniel J., 662, 664n , 665
- Reber, Samuel, 1289–1291
- Red Cross (see also American Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, International Red Cross, Polish Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross), 38
- Refugees. See Prisoners of war: American and Soviet prisoners of war and interned civilians.
- Relief shipments to occupied civilian populations. See Norway; and Netherlands.
- Ribar, Ivan, 1205
- Rios, Fernando de los, 704–706
- Roberts, Gen. Frank N., 909, 929, 1312
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 842
- Rola-Źymierski. See Źymierski.
- Roman Catholic Church. See Soviet Union: Internal conditions: Religious conditions.
- Romano-Americana Oil Co. See under Rumania: American-owned oil equipment.
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 469, 508–509, 528, 650
- Correspondence with—
- Armour, 667–668, 690–692, 707
- Harriman, 1074–1075, 1077–1079, 1080, 1084–1086
- Hornbeck, 5–6
- Churchill, 19–20, 505–506, 509–510, 531, 1072–1073, 1090n -; concerning Poland, 110–111, 131–132, 147–150, 153–154, 155–157, 158–160, 163–165, 170–172, 185–193, 209–210
- Franco, 671, 682
- King Michael of Rumania, 465–466
- Netherlands Prime Minister Gerbrandy, 4–5
- Stalin, concerning American prisoners of war in Soviet-occupied territory, 1072–1074, 1082–1083, 1084–1086, 1080; concerning Poland, 110–111, 194–196, 201–204
- Kravchenko case, interest in, 1134
- Norway, concern for relief shipments from Sweden to, 41–42, 45–47, 52–54
- Rumania, political situation in, 465–466, 469, 482n , 505–506, 508–510, 525, 528, 531, 536, 547n , 650
- Soviet reaction to Roosevelt’s death, 825–828
- Soviet Union, interest in postwar aid to, 937–938, 944, 957, 968, 991n , 1040n , 1047
- Views toward Franco regime, 667–668, 670, 675, 688–689, 690–692, 707
- Correspondence with—
- Rudenko, Gen. L. G., 900n , 983n , 1034–1036
- Rumania, 464–666
- Allied Control Commission:
- Revision of procedures according to ACC in Hungary, 561–562, 565, 569–570, 571–573, 587–588, 595–596
- Soviet assumption of authority and restrictions on U.S.-British representatives, 541, 564, 630, 635, 832–834, 835–836
- Status and operations in Balkans, 609–614; U.S. participation, 565, 568–569, 586–588
- American-owned oil equipment, concern of United States over removal by Soviet Union, 542, 613, 647–666, 817, 842
- Armistice agreement with the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union, signed at Moscow, dated Sept. 12, 1944, implementation of, 466, 526–527, 540–542, 547, 559, 571
- Asylum to royal family and other political personages, U.S. and British position, 475–477, 507–508, 530–531, 533–534, 540, 592, 627, 631
- Censorship of Rumanian and foreign press, 576, 596–597, 599n , 616; restrictions on U.S. newsmen and industrialists, 470, 479, 489, 491, 541, 558, 611–612, 619
- Cobelligerency of Rumania with Allies, appeals for considerations regarding, 464–466, 479, 513–514, 518–519, 534
- Communist Party. See under Soviet Union: Communist International.
- Crimea Declaration on Liberated Europe, U.S. efforts to implement:
- Tripartite Allied consultation, U.S. proposal for, 478, 485, 490, 495–496, 498, 501, 509–513, 521–522, 533–534, 557–558, 589, 602, 606–609; Allied interpretation of Crimea Declaration, 515–516, 520, 522–524
- U.S. propositions and views regarding, 478–480, 482–487, 491–492, 494, 496–497, 524–526, 536, 539–540, 543–544, 560, 608, 617, 637, 642; British position, 477–478, 488–489, 505–506, 518, 642, 644; Soviet views, 484–485, 497–498, 500, 502, 516–518, 557, 591, 604
- Diplomatic relations; reestablishment with—
- Economic and trade relations:
- Groza government, Soviet political domination:
- Analogy to Communist takeover in Bulgaria, 628–629, 638–640
- Formation and maintenance of, 480–482, 485n , 487–490, 492–493, 502–505, 514–515, 563–564, 585–586, 605–606, 614–615, 618–619, 623–626, 632–637, 640–641, 645–646
- Opposition parties, activities and U.S. position, 553–554, 560, 562–563, 566, 583–586
- Social Democratic Party, 593–594; declaration of, 616–617
- Stabilization of political situation, ACC discussions regarding, 472–475
- Postal and telegraphic communications with Rumania and Bulgaria, U.S. and British representations for restoration of, 531–532, 534–535, 549, 552–553
- Radio facilities and broadcasts, U.S. consideration of, 598–599
- War criminals in Rumania and Bulgaria, U.S. and British views concerning trial of, 546–547
- Allied Control Commission:
- Russia. See Soviet Union.
- Russian Orthodox Church. See Soviet Union: Internal Conditions: Religious condition.
- Safehaven. See Switzerland: German exports.
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 437n , 438, 439, 440–441, 453–454
- Sampaio, Teixeira de, 437–439, 444, 446, 448
- Sanatescu, Gen. Constantin, 470n , 640
- San Francisco Conference. See United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, April 25–June 26.
- Sapieha, Prince, 121n , 124, 142–144, 247–248, 307–310, 314, 316, 322–323, 340, 388, 426
- Sargent, Sir Orme, 154–155, 488–489, 588n , 642
- Schellenberg, Gen. Walter, 80n , 83–84
- Schoenfeld, Rudolf, 112n , 144, 154, 168–170
- Schuyler, Gen. Cortlandt Van R., 467–477 passim, 483, 486n , 498, 503, 507–508, 511, 517, 522, 524–535 passim, 540–544, 559–560, 564–597 passim, 607, 610–615, 618, 624–627, 631, 651–652, 655, 659–660
- Selborne, Earl of, 40–42
- Semichastnov, Gen. Ivan F., 980, 981–982
- Sergey (Sergius), Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, 1111n , 1112, 1114, 1115n
- Serneć, Dušan, 1196, 1199, 1205, 1208
- SHAEF. See Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force.
- Shantz, Harold, 1259–1261
- Silesia, 198, 205n , 206, 208, 231
- Simović, Gen. Dušan, 1196
- Smodlaka, Josif, 1209–1210
- Socony-Vacuum, seizure by Yugoslav government, 1299–1301
- Sohlman, Rolf, 732, 733, 735, 739
- Soviet Purchasing Commission, 1009, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1030–1031, 1048, 1059
- Soviet Union (see also
Norway; Poland; Prisoners of war; Rumania;
- Air transportation routes over Soviet-occupied territory, 841–842, 876–877, 898–899, 900, 918–919, 926–928
- Alaska-Siberia route, termination of, 899–900
- Allied Control Commission in Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania, Soviet assumption of full authority, 832–836
- American citizens and Soviet spouses of American citizens detained in Soviet Union, 1148–1160
- Assistance from United States, conclusion of
wartime; the agreement of Oct. 15;
consideration of a supplementary agreement for extension of aid for
postwar reconstruction and credits, 937–1067
- Agreement of Oct. 15 covering supplies en route to Soviet Union (see also Fourth Protocol, infra, and Supplementary Agreement, infra), 1034–1037, 1040–1045
- Fifth Protocol covering Soviet requirements for July 1, 1945–June 30, 1946 (see also Supplementary agreement, infra), consideration of, 820, 844–845, 944, 976, 983–984, 1007, 1012–1014, 1016–1018
- Fourth (Ottawa) Protocol covering Soviet requirements for July 1, 1944–June 30, 1945 (see also Supplementary agreement, infra):
- Lend-Lease situation:
- Soviet Protocol Committee, termination of, 1039–1040
- Termination of Lend-Lease to Soviet Union and all other countries, 993, 999–1000, 1003–1004, 1006–1007, 1018–1021, 1031–1033, 1033–1034, 1052
- Transfer of Lend-Lease items to third countries by Soviet Union, question of, 832, 837, 945, 963–964, 968, 980, 981–982, 990, 1001–1003, 1005–1006, 1010, 1014–1016, 1037–1039
- Protocols establishing types and amounts of material to be supplied. See Fifth Protocol, supra; Fourth Protocol, supra; Supplementary agreement, infra; and Third Protocol, infra.
- Supplementary agreement to enable the extension of aid for
postwar reconstruction and credits (see
Fifth Protocol, supra; Fourth Protocol, supra;
and Third Protocol, infra):
- American technical experts in Russia, proposal for cost reimbursement by Soviets, 1030–1031
- Bank for Reconstruction and Development, possible extension of credits by, 939, 940, 959, 996, 998
- Export-Import Bank, possible extension of credits by, 845, 898–899, 939, 940, 957, 958–959, 960, 996, 997–998, 1011, 1034, 1036, 1037, 1039n
- Industrial plant equipment, question of payment, 941, 943, 946, 949–950, 955–963, 967, 969, 971, 981, 983–984, 988–989, 991, 999, 1004–1005, 1008, 1011–1012, 1025, 1026–1028
- Negotiations, 881–884, 937–940, 942–944, 945–963, 964–968, 969–970, 973–975, 976, 980–981, 988–989, 991–996, 997–1000, 1008–1012, 1020, 1022, 1023–1026, 1039, 1047–1048, 1050–1052
- Requirements of Soviet Union, discussions regarding, 1012–1014, 1016–1018, 1023–1025, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030
- Third (London) Protocol governing Soviet requirements for July 1, 1943–June 30, 1944 (see also Supplementary agreement, supra), concerning increase in deliveries, 941–942, 983
- Atomic energy production:
- Communist International:
- Activity in Near and Middle East, 843, 901–908
- Communist Party activity in Mexico, 878–880
- Decentralization and reactivation of operations, 866–868, 872–873
- Relationship to postwar relief shipments to Europe, 817–820
- Rumania, activities in, 468–469, 471, 480–482, 514–515, 537, 539, 541, 601, 624–626, 628, 632
- Consulates of the United States and Soviet Union. See Economic and commercial relations, infra.
- Decorations:
- Economic and commercial relations with United States
and other countries (see also
Assistance from United States, etc., supra;
Soviet foreign policy, infra):
- American business firms, relations with Soviet Department of Commerce, 913
- Balkans, restrictive Soviet trade policies toward, 852–853, 934–935; Soviet economic policies in, 853–860, 882–883
- Civilian living standards, 844, 916–918, 933–934
- Consulates, U.S.-Soviet negotiations for establishment, 1160–1173; Vladivostok, difficulties encountered by American Consulate General, 1168–1173
- International conference on trade and employment, U.S. proposal, 909–912
- Patent protection agreement between United States and Soviet Union, U.S. interest in, 850–851
- Soviet economic position, 878, 882–883, 933–936
- Soviet military expenditures and maintenance of postwar armed forces, 844, 846, 878, 933, 935
- Soviet policy on economic conditions in postwar Europe, 818–820
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, U.S. draft proposal, 912–913
- U.S. views and proposals, 908–913, 924–926
- Germany, war with:
- “Free Germany” movement, dissolution of, 915–916
- German surrender, Russian people’s reaction to, 849; Soviet attitude to, 838–849
- Separate German peace by United Kingdom, Soviet report alleging, 841n
- Soviet attitude toward German people, 830–831
- Soviet press reports and policy toward Allied war victories, 816, 817, 829–831, 846, 847
- “Union of German Officers”, dissolution of, 915–916
- U.S. and British military missions to Russia, termination of, 877–878
- Information and cultural exchange:
- American press, Soviet attitude toward, 814, 818, 858, 871, 929, 930
- Control of Soviet press, 841
- Cultural exchange of performers in art and music, U.S. interest in, 893–894
- Free Germany, termination of the newspaper, 916
- Office of War Information magazine, America, 880–881
- Radio communications, establishment of a U.S. transmitter in Europe, 919–920, 930–933
- Telecommunications between United States and Soviet Union, restrictions on use, 896–897
- Internal conditions and events:
- Bolshevik Revolution. See October Revolution, infra.
- Civil officials, status and role as affecting the collection of biographic data, 810–813
- Civilian morale decline, 916–918
- Commissariats of Foreign Affairs and Defense, reorganization of, 846
- Communist Party’s role in Soviet political life, 867–868
- Control of Russian popular opinion, 840–841
- Council of Foreign Ministers, London, 1945, effect on internal Russian politics, 890–891
- May Day, celebration of, 846–847
- October Revolution, celebration of, 913–914
- Religious conditions in Soviet Union, United
States interest in, 1111–1131
- Election of Patriarch of Russian Orthodox Church, 1111–1114
- Embassy comment on the election, 1114–1117, 1119–1121, 1121–1123
- Ownership of Orthodox Church property in the United States, 1112, 1116, 1124–1125
- Relations of the Russian with other Orthodox churches, 1111–1113, 1116, 1118–1119, 1123–1125, 1127–1128, 1129–1130
- Roman Catholic Church, incidents concerning, 1120–1121, 1125, 1126, 1128–1129, 1130
- Soviet press treatment, 1115–1116, 1119, 1122–1124, 1126, 1127
- Supreme Soviet, background information relevant to 1946 elections, 894–895
- International conference on trade and employment, proposal for. See Economic and commercial relations, supra.
- Japan, denunciation of neutrality pact April 13, 1941, 820
- Kravchenko, Victor A., deportation from United States, question of, 832, 838, 1131–1138
- Naval personnel and vessels, incidents regarding:
- Soviet merchant seamen deserters, 1139–1148
- U.S. and British vessels and naval personnel in Murmansk, Soviet conduct regarding, 860–861, 868–870, 873–875
- U.S. and British vessels, mistaken attack on Soviet aerial balloons, Soviet protest, 860–861; U.S. reply, 873–874
- U.S. Naval personnel on official mission, discourtesy by Soviet NKVD, 936–937
- Poland, relations with, 839–841, 844
- Relief supplies to Europe:
- Religious conditions. See under Internal conditions and events, supra.
- Soviet foreign policy developments (see also
Communist International
Economic and commercial relations, supra):
- British attitude, 846, 897–898
- French attitude, 843
- Interpretive reports by Ambassador Harriman and Counselor of Embassy Kennan on developments as reflected in Soviet press, 829–831, 846–847, 851, 865–877, 888–890, 913–914, 921–922
- Near and Middle East, Soviet policy toward, 897–898, 901–908
- Observations and opinions of Ambassador Harriman and other U.S. officials, 818–820, 821–824, 839–846, 853–860, 878, 888–891, 901–908, 921–922, 922–924
- Soviet attitude toward United States and United Kingdom, 840–841, 846, 856–860, 865–866, 883–884, 888–890, 897–898, 903, 924–926
- U.S. attitude, 840, 841–842, 860, 924–926
- Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, U.S. draft proposal. See Economic and commercial relations, supra.
- U.S. and British military missions to Russia. See under Germany, war with, supra.
- U.S. Embassy in Moscow:
- Visas, issuance to Soviet and U.S. naval, military, and official personnel, 809–810, 815
- Spain, 667–730
- Air transport service agreement with United States, protocol additional, negotiations concerning, 724–730, signed Feb. 19, 728–729
- American Embassy news publication, 688–689, 690–693, 697–698, 699–701
- Conference at Berlin (Potsdam), 683, 684, 685, 687, 688, 689, 691, 694, 702
- Franco regime:
- American newspapers, articles condemning Franco’s regime, 680, 690, 698, 699–701
- British policy, 672–673, 689, 694, 697
- Control of the press, 674, 678, 679, 681, 685, 686, 689, 691–692, 694, 701
- Falange, 667, 670–671, 672, 673, 674–675, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 685, 686, 689, 690, 694, 792
- France, relations with, 676, 679, 680, 698–699, 702, 705, 711, 712, 714, 717; French proposal to United States and United Kingdom to terminate relations with Spain, 684, 698–699, 702–703, 705–708
- Franco’s proposals to democratize Spanish government:
- South American countries, relations with, 681, 684, 694, 695
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 676–678, 679, 682, 693–694
- U.S. attitude, 667–708
- Government-in-exile (José Giral), 688n , 699, 704–706
- Laval, Pierre, deportation to France, 708–720
- Political prisoners, question of liberation by Franco, 671, 674, 685, 694
- Spanish National Telephone Company (Compañía Telefónica Nacional de España), agreement with ITT, signed May 18, 720–724
- Switzerland, storage of food supplies by, 765–766
- United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco April 25–June 26, question of Spain’s admission, 676n , 678, 679, 680n , 683, 684, 688, 689, 694, 702, 707
- Spalding, Gen. Sidney P., 954, 990, 1007–1008, 1016, 1044n
- Spilman, Col., 664
- Spitzbergen and Bear Island. See under Norway.
- Stalin, I. V.:
- Conversations with—
- Correspondence with—
- Churchill, 111, 149–150, 191–193, 204–205, 220–221, 265–271, 285–287, 1088–1090
- Harriman, 994–995, 1018–1019
- Hopkins, 829
- Roosevelt, concerning American prisoners of war in Soviet-occupied territory, 1072–1074, 1082–1083, 1084–1086, 1089; concerning Poland, 110–111, 194–196, 201–204
- Truman, 220–221, 258–259, 263–264, 280–281, 285–287, 293, 547–548, 554–555, 560–561, 1023
- Decorations, receipt of, 864
- Rumania, 469, 502, 505–506, 509, 527n , 550–551, 645
- Yugoslavia, 1183, 1190
- Stanczyk, Jan, 125n , 130, 197, 265, 273–274, 305–308, 310–311, 314, 316, 321–322, 328–332, 335, 353
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, 652–654
- State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC), 32, 46, 49n , 92n , 96–97, 588n
- Stepinac, Aloysius, Archbishop, 1267, 1321
- Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 32, 45–46, 50, 55, 57, 73–74, 166–167, 210, 218, 237–241, 241–251, 252, 254, 259–260, 262, 272–273, 275–276, 281–284, 291–292, 527, 531n , 537n , 1233–1234, 1309
- Stevens, Francis B., 134, 138, 295n , 875
- Stevenson, Air Vice Marshal Donald F., 467n , 472, 474, 498, 503, 507, 524n , 527, 530, 541, 564, 577, 581, 589–592, 607, 610–611, 615, 618, 625n
- Stevenson, Ralph C. S., 1175–1176, 1180
- Stimson, Henry L., 26, 49, 252n , 253–254, 748–749, 948n , 1076–1077
- Stirbei (Stirbey), Prince Barbu, 488, 492, 502–503, 541, 567, 570n
- Stone, William T., 732, 734
- Stuart, Jacobo Fitz-James. See Alba, Duke of.
- Šubašić, Ivan, 244n , 922
- Suerodiaz, Gen. Vigon, 708n
- Suez Canal, 905
- Summers, Lionel M., 87–89
- Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 1–4, 10, 14–15, 45, 48, 51–52, 63, 65–67, 79, 82–85, 716, 719, 765, 769, 771, 785
- Susaikov, Gen. Ivan Z., 527, 532, 534–535, 538, 553n , 571, 573, 576–580, 585, 589–592, 600–605, 607, 609–612, 619, 625–626, 630–631, 645, 660
- Šutej, Dr. Juraj, 1184, 1196, 1199, 1201, 1203, 1204, 1212–1213, 1219–1220, 1227, 1237, 1262, 1287
- Sweden (see also
Netherlands, and
Norway), 731–764
- Cessation of Swedish exports to German-occupied Europe, U.S.-British negotiations with Sweden for (see also War Trade Agreement, etc., infra):
- German-Swedish relations, effect of cessation of trade on, considerations regarding (see also Göteborg traffic, infra), 732, 733, 738
- Göteborg traffic:
- Military Air Transport Agreement with United States, signed Mar. 12, 747–756
- Neutrality, question of, 759, 761
- Trade relations with Denmark and Norway (see also Cessation, etc., supra, and War trade agreement, infra), 733, 73–735, 739, 740, 742, 745–746
- U.S. military aircraft interned in Sweden, negotiations for release of, 756–763
- War trade agreement between United States, United Kingdom, and Sweden for 1945, Dec. 12, 1944, 731–732, 733, 734–735, 737–738, 739–740, 741, 742–743, 744–745, 746–747
- Swedish Red Cross, 80n
- Switzerland, 765–808
- Air transport agreement between United States and Switzerland, Aug. 3, 808
- Anglo-American-Swiss war trade agreement, 1943, 767, 771
- Exports to Germany, U.S., British, and French negotiations, 765–793
- German assets, 766, 780, 782–784, 785–787, 792
- Neutrality, Allied concern for, 770–773, 777
- Trade negotiations with Germany, Allied views, 765–774; agreement, 787
- Watches and watch-making equipment, imports to United States, 793–808
- Syria, 902–903
- Tatarescu, Gheorghiu, 493–494, 505, 515, 563, 584–585, 605n , 621, 628–629, 643n , 645
- Tehran Conference, 1943, 116
- Terboven, Josef, 70
- Thayer, Col. Charles W., 1208, 1209
- Theophilus, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, 1111n , 1116, 1118, 1124–1125
- Thomas, Father Jean de Matha, 1130
- Thomas, Rolland J., 928
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 1141, 1163–1164
- Tito, Marshal Josip B., 244n
, 267, 846,
- Balkan Federation, attitude toward, 1305
- Conversations concerning—
- Correspondence on occupation of Carinthia, 1322–1323, 1325
- Monarchy, proposal to eliminate, 1247n
- Power, appraisal of, 1213–1214, 1237, 1264, 1273
- Regency question, position in relation to, 1200n , 1201–1202
- Views on:
- Visits to United States, 1215, 1225–1226; to Moscow, 1215–1216
- Toledano, Vincente Lombardo, 879, 880
- Tolley, V. I. (Mrs. Kemp Tolley), 1157, 1158, 1159
- Transylvania, reestablishment of Rumanian administration, 465, 467n , 471, 509, 524n , 636; U.S. views, 479, 526–528
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Anglo-American-Swiss War Trade Agreement, 1943, 769, 771
- Anglo-French-Swiss War Trade Agreement, 1940, 789
- Anglo-Norwegian agreement on liberated ships, signed Oct. 11, 87
- Anglo-Norwegian military agreement, May 28, 1941, cited, 58
- Anglo-Portuguese Azores agreement concerning air facilities in Azores, 1943, cited, 438n , 456, 460
- Anglo-Soviet treaty of alliance against Hitlerite Germany, 1942, 1219
- Anglo-Swedish War Trade Agreement, 1939, cited, 740
- Armistice agreement between the United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and Rumania, signed Sept. 12, 1944, cited, 466, 470–471, 526–527, 540–542, 559, 571, 647, 659
- Bretton Woods Conference, 1944, 778, 783
- French-Soviet Treaty of Alliance and Mutual Assistance, 1944, 843n
- Geneva convention relative to the treatment of prisoners of war, 1929. See under Prisoners of war: German prisoners of war.
- Gotthard Convention, 1909, 776, 779–780
- Hague convention on laws and customs of war on land, 1907, 779
- Netherlands-U.S. agreements regarding mutual aid, April 30, 25
- Soviet-Bulgarian trade agreement, 852–853, 1003
- Soviet-Czechoslovak mutual assistance treaty, 1943, 1219, 1223
- Soviet-Finnish trade agreement, 852–853, 1006
- Soviet-Rumanian agreement concerning economic collaboration of May 8, cited, 544–545, 553
- Soviet-Rumanian convention regarding creation of a joint Rumanian-Soviet Oil Co., signed July 17, cited, 545, 563n
- Soviet-Rumanian trade agreement, 544–545, 556, 852–853, 1006
- Soviet-Yugoslav treaty of mutual aid, April 11, 1219, 1223–1224
- Spain:
- Swedish-German Trade Agreement, 1944, cited, 736–737
- Tito-Šubašić Agreement of Nov. 1, 1944. See under Yugoslavia.
- Treaty of Feb. 9, 1920, relative to Spitzbergen, cited, 91–93, 95–96
- U.S.-British agreement on relief supplies to Norway, 1944, cited, 32–33
- U.S.-British liberated vessels agreement, signed May 7 and June 15, 88
- U.S.-Danish agreement regarding defense of Greenland, 94n
- U.S.-Mexican trade agreement, 1942, 803, 807
- U.S.-Norwegian agreement concerning Jan Mayen Island, 1943, cited, 101n , 103–104
- U.S.-Norwegian agreement concerning marine transportation problems and litigation, signed May 29, cited, 108–109
- U.S.-Norwegian air transport services agreement, signed Oct. 6, cited, 109
- U.S.-Norwegian Lend-Lease agreement, July 11, 1942, cited, 88
- U.S.-Portugal:
- U.S.-Soviet Lend-Lease agreement, June 11, 1942, cited 971
- U.S.-Soviet Union Treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, regarding preparation of a draft of. See under Soviet Union: Economic and commercial relations.
- U.S.-Swedish air transport services agreement of 1944, amendment signed Dec. 4, 764
- U.S.-Swedish interim war trade agreement, Dec 12, 1944, cited, 731, 732, 738–739
- U.S.-Swedish military air transport agreement, Mar. 12, 735–736 (see also Sweden: Military air transport agreement with United States)
- U.S.-Swiss reciprocal interim agreement relating to air transport services, Aug. 3, 808
- U.S.-Swiss trade agreement, 1936, 796, 779, 802–803, 805
- U.S.-United Kingdom-Soviet Union, agreement relating to prisoners of war and civilians liberated by Allies, Yalta, Feb. 11. See under Prisoners of war: American and Soviet prisoners of war.
- U.S.-United Kingdom-Sweden, war trade agreement between, Sept. 23, 1943, cited, 734, 738–739, 740
- Trieste, 1201, 1238; U.S. position on, 1228, 1244, 1252
- Truelle, Jacques, 709n , 713, 714, 715, 718
- Truman, Harry S., 50, 73–74, 80, 94, 540, 550–552, 554, 557–558, 566–567, 599n , 691, 999, 1000, 1001n ., 1031, 1040n
- Turkey, 901–902
- “Union of German Officers”, 915–916
- United Nations Conference on International Organization, San Francisco, Apr. 25–June 26, 72n , 92n , 676–677, 678, 679, 680n , 683, 684, 688, 689, 694, 702, 707; Molotov’s appearance, 822, 828, 829, 839
- United Nations Declaration enforced transfer of property in enemy-controlled territory, Jan. 5, 1943, 659
- United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference. See Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- United Nations Organization, 581–582, 594
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (see also under Poland: Economic and financial needs; and Yugoslavia), 832, 836–837, 844, 1049
- United Nations Security Council, 91, 93
- United Nations War Crimes Commission, trial of citizens of Allied countries, question of, 710, 713, 714, 715, 717
- United Press, 680, 690
- U.S. Commerce Department, 913
- U.S. Justice Department, 88, 1132–1135, 1136, 1137–1138
- U.S. Navy Department, 32, 35, 41, 46, 88, 90–91, 103, 105n , 570–588, 815n , 873, 877–878, 999
- U.S. War Department, 27, 32, 35, 41, 46, 57, 59, 84, 437, 445, 448, 475, 507, 569, 587–588, 716, 724, 747, 763, 818, 899, 999, 1076, 1079, 1081, 1086, 1100, 1103, 1137, 1138
- Urdareanu, Ernest, 598n , 602n
- Uskievich, Margarita N.O., 1148, 1151–1152, 1153–1154, 1156, 1157, 1159
- Vatican, relations with Soviet Union, 1120–1121, 1125–1129 passim, 1130
- Velebit, Gen. Vladimir L., 1179, 1182, 1183, 1189, 1313
- Venezia-Giulia, Yugoslav claims to, 1201, 1234, 1237–1238, 1290; U.S. position, 1216, 1228–1229, 1233
- Vinogradov, Gen. Vladislav P., 467–468, 472–475, 483, 491, 496, 498–499, 527–528, 559, 619, 647
- Visoianu, Constantin, 464n , 467n , 469n , 485n , 487–488, 504
- Vlasov, Gen. Andrey A., 1099, 1107
- Voroshilov, Marshal Klimenty E., 570n
- Vyshinski, Andrey Y., 467n , 470, 485n , 487, 489–505 passim, 515, 517, 529, 534, 553n , 607, 609, 612–618, 640, 644, 647–648, 656, 833, 881, 888n , 922, 927, 990, 1037–1038, 1092
- Wallace, Henry A., 839
- Walters, Ray P., 655–656, 662
- War Production Board, 794, 796
- War Shipping Administration, 877, 1009, 1046, 1050, 1165
- Warner, Christopher F.A., 914, 915
- Warsaw Government. See Poland: Soviet policies in liberated areas: Provisional Government of Poland.
- Watson-Watt, Sir Robert A., 876
- Wechsler, Herbert, 1137–1138
- Wesson, Gen. Charles M., 949, 953, 957, 958, 960, 1001, 1004, 1005, 1010, 1012, 1036n , 1038–1039
- White, Harry D., 938, 940, 961, 966n
- Whitney, Thomas P., 884, 933–936
- Winant, John G., 160, 345, 518n
- Witos, Wincenty, 121n , 124, 128, 142n , 144, 210, 270, 305, 307–311, 314, 316, 322–323, 330, 332, 335, 339–345, 388, 413
- Wojciechowski, Stanisław, 223n
- Wold, Terje, 72, 80–81
- Woodward, Stanley, 1163–1165
- World Security Organization, Soviet policy toward, 821, 842, 858–859
- Worrell, Kenneth, 868–870
- Yakimov, Rear Admiral Alexander A., 1047, 1048
- Yalta Conference. See Crimea Conference.
- Yalta Declaration. See Crimea Conference: Declaration of Liberated Europe.
- Yegorov, Alexander S., 1139n
- York, Gen. John Y., Jr., 949, 953, 954, 957, 983–984, 1012, 1025, 1039–1040
- Yugoslavia, 1174–1327
- Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia, 1175–1178, 1182, 1184, 1194n , 1197, 1199, 1200, 1206, 1208, 1221n
- Balkan Federation and Alliance, U.S. concern relative to, 1217, 1233, 1304–1313
- Economic aid from United States, 1210, 1215, 1229, 1233, 1235–1236, 1266, 1277, 1290–1291
- Elections for Constituent Assembly, 1221, 1251–1252, 1253–1255, 1256–1257, 1258–1261, 1267–1268, 1271, 1272–1276, 1278–1279, 1281–1282, 1284, 1287–1289, 1292, 1295–1297
- Federal People’s Republic:
- Repatriation:
- Resumés of prevailing conditions, 1211–1213, 1218, 1224–1225, 1229–1230, 1236, 1251, 1253–1254, 1256–1261, 1266–1268, 1277, 1292–1294, 1301
- Royal government-in-exile:
- Soviet-Yugoslav treaty of mutual aid, Apr. 11, 1219, 1223–1224
- Tito-Šubašić Agreement (see
United Provisional Government, infra):
- Exchange of notes between Tito and United States, 1281–1282, 1286–1287
- King Peter’s position and proposals regarding, 1174n , 1176–1177, 1179–1180, 1182–1184, 1189, 1199n
- Regency questions relating to, 1175, 1179, 1189, 1195–1196, 1199–1206, 1247n
- Tito’s views, 1178, 1182, 1195
- U.S. and British position, 1174–1176, 1179–1181, 1182–1184, 1186–1188, 1197–1199, 1202; Soviet position, 1190
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, aid to Yugoslavia, 1254, 1290–1291, 1293, 1299
- United Provisional Government (see
Tito-Šubašić Agreement, supra):
- Communist influence, 1213–1214, 1218, 1219–1220, 1260, 1273
- Formation, 1185n , 1200, 1202, 1204, 1206, 1207–1208, 1213n , 1220–1221, 1235, 1248
- Recognition, U.S., British, and Soviet positions, 1182–1183, 1185–1186, 1187–1188, 1190–1191, 1192–1194
- Regency question, 1175, 1179, 1189, 1195–1196, 1199–1206, 1247n
- Šubašić resignation, U.S. attitude relating to, 1270–1271
- U.S. asylum authorization, 1283
- U.S. broadcasts to, 1244
- U.S. establishment of diplomatic missions, 1180, 1188, 1208
- Yalta and Tito-Šubašić agreements, implementation by Yugoslavia, 1259–1261, 1267–1268, 1271–1272, 1274–1275, 1277, 1278–1279, 1281–1282
- Zadeikis, Povilas, 876, 887
- Zarubin, Georgy N., 942, 907
- Zhilenkov (Schilenkow), Gen. Grigory N., 1099
- Zhukov, Gen. Georgy K., visit to United States, question of, 862, 888
- Zinchenko, Konstantin E., 930
- Zionism. See Jews and Zionism.
- Zoltowski, James, 427–428
- Zulawski, Zygmunt, 121n , 124, 142n , 274, 305, 307–311, 314, 322, 330, 332–333, 335, 388, 418, 426, 432, 435
- Zymierski, Marshal Michal Rola, 129n , 389, 423–425, 433
In indexing persons the intention has been to include all references to persons of significance for an understanding of the record, with the following exceptions: (1) The name of the Secretary of State or the Acting Secretary of State appearing as the signer of outgoing instructions unless there is a clear indication of the Secretary’s or Acting Secretary’s personal interest; (2) the name of an American officer in charge of a mission appearing as the signer of reports to the Department of State, except for personal items; (3) the names of persons to whom documents are addressed.
Persons are not identified by office in the index, but usually where a person is first mentioned in any section a footnote identification is given unless that person is identified in the text.