Treaty Affairs Files

The Heads of the American, French, and British Trade Delegations ( Currie, Charquéraud, and Foot ) to the Head of the Swiss Delegation ( Rappard )

Dear Professor Rappard: In view of the continued occupation of Northern Italy by German forces, the three Allied Delegations have not thought it appropriate during the course of these negotiations to raise the question of Swiss trade relations with Italy. It is to be hoped, however, that the time is now drawing very near when the whole of Italy will have been liberated and when Swiss-Italian commercial exchanges will once more be possible. We should like your Government to know that the reconstruction of Italian industry and a speedy return to a reasonable standard of life for the Italian people are matters in which our three Governments are greatly interested. We hope, therefore, that Switzerland will be able to make a contribution to these ends.

Sincerely yours,

Lauchlin Currie
Dingle Foot