Moscow Embassy Files: 800 Rumania
The People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union (Molotov) to the American Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)97
Dear Mr. Ambassador: Acknowledging receipt of your letter of March 1 regarding the situation in Rumania I wish to inform you as follows:
The events which have taken place recently in Rumania show clearly that the former Radescu Government not only was not capable of maintaining peace and order in Rumania but it also, as has been shown by the facts, did not wish to do this and by its actions in every way assisted the pro-Hitlerite elements in the guise of the “Iron Guards” in becoming more active. It is well known that under instructions from Radescu there took place in Rumania criminal violence and the shooting of peaceful citizens who were demanding the dissolution of the fascist organizations and the execution of the terms of the Armistice Agreement. The Government led by Radescu endeavored, as has been confirmed by many facts which have been published in the press, to force its will by terrorist measures on the majority of the Rumanian people who were not in accord with the policies of Radescu.
It is absolutely clear that such a situation in the rear of the Soviet army could not be tolerated and must be eliminated by the forming of a government in Rumania which will be able to maintain order in the country and conscientiously fulfill the conditions of the Rumanian Armistice Agreement. This is in the general interest of the Allies.
With respect to the proposal contained in your letter regarding maintaining in Rumania of a coalition government I wish to state that the Soviet Government is of the opinion that the new Rumanian Government should be formed from representatives of the democratic [Page 498] parties and non-party individuals who are prepared in fact to cooperate in the execution of the above mentioned tasks. Only a government formed on such a basis would be able to guarantee the destruction of the last vestiges of Nazism and fascism in Rumania, to create democratic institutions according to the choice of the people as is demanded by the Crimea Declaration and to maintain in the country the necessary order and tranquility. The interests of our common struggle against Hitlerite Germany require this.
With respect to the remark contained in your letter that General Vinogradov did not call on February 24 a meeting of the Allied Control Commission I wish to state that General Vinogradov gave a suitable explanation to the American representative General Schuyler on this question. In this connection it should be borne in mind that only three days before that time, i.e. on February 21 a meeting of this Commission took place.
With respect to the proposal concerning consultations on important political questions conversations between Mr. Vyshinski, who is in Bucharest at the present time, and the American and British representatives on the Allied Control Commission are taking place on these questions.
The Soviet Government hopes that on the part of the American representative in Rumania it will meet a corresponding support and cooperation in solving the situation which has developed in Rumania.
I have sent a similar letter to the British Ambassador.
Please accept [etc.]
- A summary of Molotov’s letter was transmitted to the Department in telegram 656, March 7, noon, from Moscow, not printed.↩