860h.01/9–2145: Telegram
The Chargé in Yugoslavia (Shantz) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:10 p.m.]
483. Remytel 48252 to Dept and 33 to London September 21. After issuance of communiqué Grol said opposition list was ready for issuance until last minute deadline. It was not presented owing to internment of Subasic and confusion of Croats. Serbs agreed from beginning among selves not to enter lists under existing conditions but [Page 1259] accepted Croat wish to propose list headed by Subasic in order to induce Subasic to resign. Subasic, sick and weak, first wanted form semi-opposition group and not resign as Minister of Foreign Affairs until later. Serbs could not accept part in parallel rather than genuinely opposing group. Then Subasic subjected [objected?] to denouncing laws for which as member of front he had voted. Serbs suggested he simply denounce regime as having failed to carry out Tito-Subasic agreement. Grol says Subasic made promises to Russians and until late hour still hoped to play along with them. Now, however, after his internment in which he has been unable to speak privately even with own secretary, Pocrnic, Grol thinks Subasic finally realizes he no longer holds Tito’s confidence and being on every side denounced and discredited has no further illusions. His resignation may therefore be expected. Sutej is ready to lead Croats in disowning him if he does not resign.
Croats badly need leadership. Their two main leaders are abroad, others imprisoned in Zagrab, two still members of Tito Government. Majority according to Grol are still following Machek’s lead, and this is added reason why list could not be presented for Machek has come out against elections under present laws and regime.
Grol reemphasized mounting terror against opposition with following latest examples: (1) peasants in Belina carried off in truck at night to unknown destination; (2) lawyer at Palanka, leaving to see Grol, attacked and badly beaten, sent to hospital with taunt “now go see your Grol”. Grol says only possible steps now are with aid of foreign intervention to demobilize huge army and nullify elections. Otherwise country’s greatest calamity will be upon it. Opposition declaration made jointly with all groups will appear soon perhaps in first issue of Grol’s paper Democracy. Publication due begin next Thursday on weekly basis.
Sent Department; repeated London as No. 34.
- Not printed; the Chargé reported that the opposition leaders on September 20 issued a communiqué in which they castigated the Tito regime on its election policy and concluded by declaring: “A constituent assembly based on such elections cannot have either the right or the opportunity to solve the weighty problems of the country. Because of these reasons the coalition of democratic parties in the opposition, Democrats and Agrarians, will not establish their electoral ticket.” (860h.00/9–2145)↩