740.00119 EW/3–1245: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

571. On March 8 the French Ambassador left with the Acting Secretary a note11 expressing the desire of his Government for French representation on the commission to be set up in Moscow, in accordance with one of the decisions taken at Yalta,12 to deal with the problem of compensation for damage caused by Germany to the Allies. The note states that the British Government has already informed the French Government of its approval subject to American and Soviet concurrence.

[Page 1176]

The decision to invite France to be represented on the European Advisory Commission last November was based in part on the realization of France’s vital interest in the solution of the German problem. In as much as reparation questions have been under discussion in the EAC, it would seem logical for France to be represented in the new organization to be set up to deal with that particular problem and this Government would be disposed to agree to French participation. We have not discussed this matter with the French or the British, however, and before replying to the French note, we would like to receive an indication of the views of the Soviet Government.

Please communicate the foregoing to the ForOf and request an early reply.

Repeated to Paris as 982 for information.
