710.00119 EAC/3–145: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
1795. Reurtel 1783, February 21, 1 p.m. and 2107, March 1, 7 p.m. Comea 191.10 It is not the understanding of the Department that it was decided at the Crimea Conference to include restitution along with reparation in the agenda of the Moscow discussions of compensation.
As the problem of restitution may become urgent with the capture of additional German territory, and as the Moscow Conference may not meet for some time, Department believes that the European Advisory, Commission should continue to handle this subject provided that its agenda is such as to permit it to give prompt consideration to this problem.
Department is firmly convinced (1) that restitution should be confined to identifiable property (2) that the concept of replacement should be limited to works of art and similar objects as indicated in our telegram no. 418, of January 18 (3) that any restitution agency should be closely linked to whatever reparation body may be established. If in your opinion there is a strong probability that these principles will be accepted by the representatives of the other three governments it is suggested you take the first opportunity to propose that EAC deal with this question and that you press for early consideration.
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