740.00119 EAC/6–2945: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

6583. Cornea 306. Today delineations of UK and French zones in Germany as stated in draft EAC agreement were approved UK and French delegations. Draft agreement and report presented EAC today.

Re provision in report transmitted mytel 6544, June 28 (repeated Paris 412) for four Commanders decide French area in Berlin, Soviet Rep stated in EAC this matter no concern Soviet Commander and that UK, US and French Commanders should agree to French area formed from US and UK areas; he added Soviet area defined in agreement Sept 12, 1944 and was satisfactory to Soviet Govt.

US Delegation pointed out that wording draft para left decision on French Berlin area to four Commanders, who would decide it on spot under instructions their Govts. UK Rep urged reconsideration all Berlin areas (1) in light French participation; (2) in view destruction in Berlin. No decision could be reached today.

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Dept will recall informal UK and French proposals re redivision Berlin provided for Soviet giving up one district in order equalize loss of area by US, UK and Soviet forces.

Sent Dept 6583; rptd Paris 416—for Caffery and Murphy.
