740.00119 EAC/6–2945: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

5294. Proposed public statement in Cornea 30364 is approved.

Draft letter respecting freedom of passage is approved subject to [Page 352] following modifications. For first sentence of letter substitute the following:

“In signing today, on behalf of my Govt, the draft agreement on zones of occupation in Germany and the administration of Greater Berlin, recommended to the four Govts by the EAC, I inform you on instruction of my Govt that French Govt assures to the US forces of occupation the right of free passage across and above French zone of occupation including exclusive rights to US constructed bridges over the Rhine and US constructed communication facilities built in Germany with the right of passage for the French over these US constructed facilities in or leading into the French zone.”

Re Cornea 304,65 draft report is approved with inclusion of following phrase at the end:

“and the consequent adjustments in the zones of the other three forces.”

War Dept now considering sympathetically question of French force to accompany other Allied forces when entering Berlin. Shall advise you as soon as possible on this point.

  1. Telegram 6509, June 28, 3 p.m., from London, p. 346.
  2. Telegram 6544, June 28, 8 p.m., from London, p. 347.