740.00119 EAC/6–2845: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

6544. Comea 304. Mytel 6509, June 28; rptd Paris 410. Re my draft letter re US right free passage across and over French zone in Germany, French EAC Delegation reports French Govt has approved draft.

In US-UK-French discussions re French zone have considered various UK and French proposals for division Greater Berlin in four parts and concluded impossible determine division without full knowledge local conditions. Draft report transmitting draft agreement to four Govts contains following recommendation:

“In view of the physical conditions prevailing in the area of Greater Berlin, the Commission has not attempted to delineate an area in Greater Berlin to be occupied by forces of the French Republic. It recommends that the four Govts instruct their respective Commanders in Chief in Germany, acting jointly, to determine the area in Greater Berlin to be assigned to occupation by forces of the French Republic.”

[Page 348]

De Leusse states French Govt willing approve this recommendation in draft report but fears failure to define in agreement French area in Berlin may result in failure French forces enter Berlin with US, UK forces and in Soviet insisting French forces wait until French Berlin area is defined.

De Leusse states French Govt would like assurance US military authorities intend a French force should accompany other Allied forces on first entering Berlin. US Delegation replied it is without information regarding military matter operational character and would inform Govt re French anxiety on this score. There is no indication in EAC whether Russians would actually raise this question in absence of specific provision in French zone agreement for French area in Berlin.

Sent Dept 6544; repeated Paris 412, for Caffery and Murphy.
