740.00119 EAC/6–2845: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 28—2:12 p.m.]
6509. Comea 303. Urtel 5177, June 26; text transmitted mytel 6399, June 25; repeated Paris 399. French Delegation EAC has approved text draft letter re access to archives at Karlsruhe.
US and French delegations EAC have agreed following text public statement re future review French zone:
“In connection with the announcement of the respective Allied zones of occupation in Germany, the US Govt has informed the Provisional Govt French Republic that it will be prepared, at a later stage in the Allied occupation of Germany, to review with the Provisional Govt of the French Republic the assignment of areas of occupation between the French and US zones, in the light of the then prevailing conditions of occupation and the requirements of the respective forces of occupation.”
French and UK delegations suggest including UK Govt in this statement. If Dept sees no objection to this procedure, I will modify agreed public statement accordingly. Presumably time of announcement will be when EAC agreement delimiting French zone has been approved by four Govts.
[Page 347]Re Murphy’s 62, June 27 to Dept (repeated 10 London) French Delegation has repeatedly offered freedom of passage through zone. I have given French Delegation following draft letter to be addressed by French Amb to me on date of signature of EAC agreement:
“In signing today, on behalf of my Govt, the draft agreement on zones of occupation in Germany and the administration of Greater Berlin, recommended to the four Govts by the EAC, I will so inform you, on instruction of my Govt, that the French military authorities in Germany will assure to the U.S. forces of occupation the right of free passage across and above the French zone of occupation. Detailed arrangements regarding the exercise of the right of free passage will be worked out by mutual agreement between the French Commander in Chief and the US Commander in Chief in Germany.”
De Leusse hopes for Paris approval this draft tonight.
Text draft agreement re French zone being reviewed today French and UK Delegations. When the three Delegations are satisfied with text it will be handed, probably tomorrow, to Soviet Delegation. If Soviet Delegation has authority sign it without reference Moscow, signature may be July 2.
Sent Dept as 6509, June 28; repeated Paris 410 for Caffery and Murphy.