740.00119 EAC/5–3145: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 31—9:20 p.m.]
5510. Comea 275. My 5121, May 22. Tonight EAC agreed to transmit to representatives of seven European Allied Govts agreed summaries of zones of occupation and control machinery in Germany. As in case of declaration UK representative stated his Govt would transmit summaries to Govts of Dominions and India, I stated that US Govt would inform Brazil; Soviet member stated his Govt proposes to inform Provisional Govt of Poland. Strang and I at once entered reservations re transmission to Warsaw “Govt” stating that “adoption of that procedure was not to be understood as prejudicing the position of my Govt towards one of Govts named”.
EAC agreed that two summaries will be handed to representatives of Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Greece by Allied Consultation Committee on Saturday [Page 320] June 2 at 11:30 a.m. London time.12 Dept may wish to know this time for communication of summaries to Govt of Brazil.13
Texts of two summaries transmitted with my despatch 22932, May 7.14 Two changes have been made in texts.
- (1)
- Title of summary on zones of occupation now reads: “Statement by the Govts of USSR, UK and USA and Provisional Govt of the French Republic on the occupation of Germany”.
- (2)
- In pgh 4 of summary on control machinery substitute “appropriate German organs” for “German central organs”. Omit identifying numbers and reference to Consultation Committee.
Tomorrow Consultation Committee will consider two summaries with view to preparing them for issuance to press by four Govts and recommend time for their issuance in relation to timing of signature of declaration. I urged they be issued at same time as declaration on defeat and surrender of Germany.
- Telegram 5573, Comea 276, June 2, from London reported that the agreed summaries had been transmitted on June 2 to the representatives of the seven European Allies (740.00119 EAC/6–245).↩
- Telegram 1398, June 1, 6 p.m. to Rio de Janeiro stated: “Agreed summaries of European Advisory Commission concerning the zones of occupation and control machinery in Germany will be handed to Brazilian Embassy Sat forenoon June 2.” (740.00119 E.W./5–1545)↩
- Despatch not printed. For texts of the summaries on zones of occupation and control machinery in Germany, both dated May 4, see p. 264.↩