740.00119 Control (Germany)/4–3045
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Director of the Office of European Affairs (Matthews)
Dear Doc: I enclose a copy of a memorandum prepared on April 29 by G–4 SHAEF88 regarding the technical aspects of a French occupational zone on the right bank of the Rhine which would be taken out of the zone heretofore allocated to the United States.
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I think that the idea of having Jeff Caffery conduct the negotiations with the French is a good one. After he received the telegram yesterday we met with him, including General Meyer representing Mr. Winant and Colonel Whipple representing G–4 SHAEF, to discuss the technical aspects. SHAEF urges that the French be offered only [Page 253] the two southern provinces of Baden, namely Freiburg and Konstanz. If it seems necessary to give the French additional territory, they could be offered a small bridgehead east of Koblenz which would include the Kreise of Unterwesterwald, Unterlahn, and Sankt Goarshausen. If it is necessary to go further, they could be offered a province in Baden, namely Karlsruhe. However it is really desirable for our occupational forces to have available the port, communications, and transport facilities offered by the Bezirk of Karlsruhe. A study of this matter is enclosed. I think a careful reading of it will prove the desire of our SHAEF authorities to retain the two northern provinces of Baden, namely Karlsruhe and Mannheim, is founded on more than a whim and has back of it very practical considerations. Personally I support the idea fully. I feel that if the French are going to receive part of the Rhineland, the Saar, the Palatinate, and part of Baden they are getting about as much as they can handle and certainly every bit as much as they are entitled to.
Jeff Caffery made the point that we will be dependent on the French for transit facilities for our forces for a good many months to come and that it is necessary to be nice to them. We will be dependent on French facilities and I think we are being nice to them. In fact, we are giving them so much now and so much more than anybody else that I feel the French should be glad to come along with us on the present SHAEF proposal which is eminently fair. The Soviets of course give them nothing. The British have been able to make a nice gesture giving them part of the Rhineland, the Saar, and the Palatinate, which it is now clear the British asked EAC for originally for that very purpose as it is apparent that they never intended to keep it themselves.
All the best to you.
Yours ever,