740.00119 EAC/4–345

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)

The French Ambassador came in today and left with me the attached memorandum20 which requests that the matter of adding France to the terms of surrender and including France in the agreement providing for control machinery for Germany and providing France with a zone of occupation all be expedited in the European [Page 216] Advisory Commission. He said that his Government was very concerned in view of the rapid developments now in Germany looking toward the early collapse or surrender of that country, and they desired that these matters be concluded and agreed to before such collapse or surrender might take place. I am asking Mr. Matthews to follow this matter up with Mr. Riddleberger21 and, if he concurs, to have a telegram sent to Mr. Winant asking him to press the matter of completing the inclusion of France in all these matters under the jurisdiction of the European Advisory Commission.

James Clement Dunn
  1. Not printed
  2. James W. Riddleberger, Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs