740.00119 EAC/4–245
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Dunn)
The French Ambassador19 came in today and stated that his Government was very desirous of having the question of the French zone of occupation settled as soon as possible. He asked where the discussions with regard to the setting up of the zone would take place, and I replied that I expected it would be in the European Advisory Commission in London. I recalled that the French zone is to be made up of parts taken from the United States and the British zones, leaving the Russian zone as it is.
He asked that steps be taken to expedite these discussions as it was necessary to make certain dispositions of the French forces and take other measures on which decisions should be made now as the war comes to an end. (I understand Mr. Matthews is working on this subject right now in conversations with the War Department.)
- Henri Bonnet↩