740.00119 EAC/12–3044: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
712. (SCOFM42) Your 11575 December 30.43 Please inform your colleagues on the European Advisory Commission that this Government [Page 178] is very glad to give its approval in principle to the five proposals advanced by the French representative, the general aim of which is to place the French in a position of equality with the United States, United Kingdom and Soviet Union in handling German matters. It is our understanding that you will concert with the Soviet representative in bringing our views formally to the attention of the Commission.
It will be desirable from the standpoint of planning for the military occupation of Germany if French participation will not operate to disturb unduly agreements already reached on a tripartite basis or to result in major revision of policy decisions already reached.
Please inform Murphy.44
Sent to London. Repeated to Paris and Moscow.
- Secret for the Chief of Mission↩
- Not printed; it outlined the contents of a memorandum circulated in the European Advisory Commission by the French Representative. For text of memorandum, see Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. i, p. 427 ↩
- Robert D. Murphy, United States Political Adviser for Germany↩