740.00119 Control (Germany)/12–1145

Minutes of the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Coordinating Committee, Held at Berlin, November 27, 1945, 3 p.m.72



There Were Present:

[Page 1580]
Army General Sokolovsky (Chairman)
Lieut. General Clay
Lieut. General Robertson
Lieut. General Koeltz
Others Present:
Soviet United States
Minister Semenov Ambassador Murphy
Major General Echols
British French
Sir William Strang Consul Gaire
Air Vice Marshal Davidson Major Glain
Major General Playfair
Brigadier Hill
First Sec’y Kudriavtsev
Major Kudriavtsev
Colonel Gerhardt
Colonel Birdsall
Mr. Oulashin
Brigadier Grazebrook
Colonel Rootham
Mr. Calvy
Captain Joos

. . . . . . .

309. Proposed Air Routes for Inter-Zonal Flights.

The meeting considered CORC/P(45)170.

General Robertson73 explained that it was absolutely essential for the British to have air corridors both for flights from Berlin to Bukeburg [Bückeburg], Headquarters of the British Army of the Rhine, and from Berlin to Hamburg, where this headquarters had a number of branches.

General Clay74 also pointed out that the Berlin-Bukeburg [Bückeburg] air corridor was important for the Americans since it enabled them to maintain their connection with Bremen.75

General Sokolovsky76 then stated that he was not empowered to settle questions concerning other air corridors mentioned in the paper, viz.: Berlin-Warsaw, Berlin-Prague, Berlin-Copenhagen and Bukeburg [Bückeburg]-Prague, as these required decisions at governmental level.

On General Sokolovsky’s proposal

The Meeting:

(309) Approved CORC/P(45)170 and agreed to submit it to the Control Council for confirmation of that portion which deals with air corridors from Berlin to the West.

. . . . . . .

  1. Copy transmitted to the Department as an enclosure to despatch 1497, December 11, from Berlin, not printed.
  2. Lt. Gen. Sir Brian Robertson, Deputy Military Governor, British Zone of Occupation in Germany, and British member of the Coordinating Committee.
  3. Lt. Gen. Lucius D. Clay, Deputy Military Governor, U.S. Zone in Germany, and U.S. member of the Coordinating Committee.
  4. See also footnote 49, p. 856.
  5. Army Gen. Vassily Danilovich Sokolovsky, Deputy Governor, Soviet Military Administration in Germany, and Soviet member of the Coordinating Committee.